Injecting Music Into Your Veins

Tales of An Artistic Romance

Gerard's P.O.V.

I saw her again. Her, and her bright green eyes. But she ran away, of course. That's 'cause you scared her you ass...

Frankie was rambling about some kind of whipped cream company as we walked to art. The only class I liked. The only one I was any good at in the first place.

"Gerard, are you even listening?!" Frankie stopped walking and glared at me.

"Yeah, oh yeah..." I lied.

He sighed and started walking again.

When the class started, I was completely oblivious to the assignment. And it didn't help too much that my hair kept smothering my eyes when I tried to pay attention.

The classroom door swung open and everyone's heads shot up. I kept mine down, uninterested in it. Frankie nudged me, and I lifted my head up slowly, annoyed.

I froze. There she was. Pale and beautiful. But why does she always look scared? I added to myself.

"Have a seat Raven." The teacher motioned.

I hadn't even noticed where the only empty seat in the room was. I was much too focused on her name. Raven. It was beyond perfect.

Frankie elbowed me again, and snapped me back to focus. Oh shit. The only seat left was on the other side of me. I looked to Frankie desperately, but he just grinned. Smart ass.

I didn't have to tell anyone about seeing Raven. I liked saying her name, even if it was just in my own mind. Frankie was the only one of the guys that knew. I didn't even bother to tell my brother.

Her green eyes were glued to me as she walked towards me. Her long black hair was beautiful, and swayed back and forth when she moved.

She hesitated for a moment before finally taking the seat. Frankie elbowed me again, harder this time. Speak!


My heart stopped the second she looked up at me.

"M-My name is Gerard."
Frankie snickered and I kicked him under the table.

She smiled. "Hi. I'm Raven."

I started breathing again.

Raven's P.O.V.

As soon as I spoke, I felt my cheeks heat up, but I couldn't tear my face away.

We just stared after that. Not that I minded the staring. But I've learned that eventually, all good things have to end.

The bell rang. It made me jump up out of my seat. My bag hit the desk, and spilled all over the floor.


The rest of the class was already gone. All except Gerard and Horse-Impersonator. I quickly dropped to my knees, embarrassed, and tried to cover my things before they could see any of it.

But somehow Gerard's soft and gentle looking hands reached my sketchbook before mine did. It was laying open, and he picked it up, his face remaining glued to the page. My insides began to panic. I held my breath.

"Um you don--"

"These are amazing!" Gerard looked up at me, a beautiful smile spreading his pink, beautiful lips. My heart melted at the sight. Then I realized what he actually said.

"No, no! They're nothing...Just..." My tongue trailed off, and made me feel stupid.

"Raven." I shuddered when he said my name. "These are really, really good."

He was the one blushing now, and it made me feel a little less awkward.

I smiled and put the book back in my bag.

"Aww." Horse-Impersonator was leaning over Gerard's shoulder. That's when he freaked out. "Holy shit!"

Next thing I knew he was groping the ground. He finally stood up, holding my red guitar pick, like he has just made a wonderful discovery.

"You play guitar?!"

"Um...Yeah." I nervously smiled.

His face lit up. "Gee! An actually girl plays! A cool one!" He began jumping up and down. It actually kind of scared me. Gerard put his hand on Horse-Man's shoulder, stared at him, and plucked the pick from his hand.

"Here you are, Raven." He handed me the pick, smiling hugely.

"Ahem!" said Horse-Impersonator.

"Oh. This is Frankie. Frankie, this is Raven."

I stuck out my hand for him to shake. He grabbed it, and pulled me into a deathly hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

Well, fuck. This is definitely the nicest day of school I've had in a long time...[i/]

We began walking, as the teacher was shooing us out if the room. Frankie immediately started talking.

"So, how long have you been playing guitar?"

I tried to answer. "Um..uh..." But there was something else distracting me. Gerard's eyes were burning a hole in the side of my head. "Basically, as soon as I was able to hold one with both hands." I finally managed to say.

Frankie stopped and stared at me. "Me too. It always felt to me, like the one thing in my life that I could control." He said this in almost a whisper.

When he said it, it made me shiver. "Exactly." I answered. He smiled at me, and I was already smiling back.

"I think I like you Raven."

"I think I like you Frankie."

Okay, what are the odds that there was a person in this world--let alone in this hallway--speaking my guitar feelings as if they were his own?[i/]

Gerard was still staring. I turned to look at him, and our eyes locked. I wish moments like this would last forever. There was something in him, it seemed, he wanted to tell me. Something he needed to tell me. Something that made me feel like I've known him my entire life.

Frankie started giggling and Gerard turned to glare at him, breaking our stare.

I looked at the clock on the back wall.

"Shit!" Gerard and I said at the same time. I blushed again.

"I...I gotta go."

"We...We do too...Frankie?" Gerard looked at him.

"Oh. Yeah. I'll go get the guys. Bye, Raven." He gave me a weird smile, like he knew something I didn't.

I waved back to him. Gerard and I were alone now.

"So..." He began nervously. "I was, uh, wondering if you--maybe--wanted to hang out with me--I mean us--tomorrow."

"Sure!" I said a little too happily. He grinned and looked way relieved. Oh, damnit. Danny.

"Um...Is it alright if my friend does too?"

'Oh, yeah! Anyone! long as your there." His snow-white face turned cherry red,

So did mine.

"Gerard!" Frankie yelled from down the hall, reunited with the rest of the weird-ones.

Gerard looked at me and gazed at my eyes for a moment.

"Bye Raven." He smiled.

"Bye." I waved as he jogged his slightly chubby body down the hall. When he caught up with them, he turned around once more, and walked out the door.

I turned the opposite direction, and ran to the middle of the empty school.

♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. This is the last boring chapter, I swear. Please, pweetty pweease comment.

The next chapter introduces a certain band...Just so you know.