Somewhere Under The Influence

Beer Streams and Cigarette Trees

Jay continued to lead us down the Golden Riff Road. I couldn't help but stare at his cute ass. It was just so bubbly and cute. I can't wait to fuck him that's for sure. I adjusted my top so my boobs wouldn't fall out anymore, making Taylor laugh.

"What?" I glared. She shook her head and smiled.

"Nothing, but you-" She paused for a second when Tuck-Tuck started to whip his head around and sniff the air. I think he's lost it.

"The fuck you doing Matt?" Taylor asked as she stopped walking, which made Jay and I stop walking. Tuck-Tuck kept sniffing the air and had a big ass smile on his face.

"You smell that?" He asked with excitement. Taylor and I glanced at each other before sniffing the air. I took a deep breath to try and smell what he smelled. The aroma filled my nose and I smiled widely.

"No way." Taylor exclaimed, but I nodded my head. "Way dude. There's nothing else that smells like it."

"What in the bloody hell are you three going on about?" Jay question with confusion all over his face. I guess he couldn't smell it, but how could he not when it was so near. It smells like they were right next to us.

"WEED!" Tuck-Tuck yapped and jumping up and down. He began running in circles as I tried to follow the scent. I walked ahead a little further, but my jaw dropped when I discovered the source of it.

"TAYLOR!! COME HERE!" I screeched to her. Footsteps approached me as her, Matt, and Jay ran towards me.

"What!? What's wr-Oh. My. God." Taylor stammered out. In front of us was a vast field of weed growing as far as the eye can see, past the rolling hills. I glanced at Matt and saw that he had collapsed while Jay just stared in awe.

"Sweet fucking Jesus! You know how rich we could get by selling this shit! I wonder if its good quality?" I questioned reaching over to touch the marijuana plant, but I coiled my hand back when I heard laughter.

"What the fuck?" Taylor asked staring at the weed. I went to touch it again, but more laughter came causing me to take back my hand.

"Who the fuck is in there?" I called out. Rustling from the weed bushes came and footsteps approached us. The sea of weed parted and out came a tall, lanky looking man with black hair, and bloodshot blue eyes. His mind was clouded over as intense smell of weed filled our noses. He held a joint in his hand and it was then I noticed two sleeves ran up his arms. A dopey smile that screamed he was blazed out of his mind spread across his face.

"Hey." He simply said.

"Hey." Taylor responded back. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Jimmy." He answered with another one word answer.

"And why the hell are you in a field of weed?" She asked with a raised brow. Jimmy let out a larger smile and took a hit of his joint.

"I watch it… and scare anything… that tries to steal the weed." He answered slowly trying to find his words. Good lord the weed has turned his brain into mush.

"So you're a scarecrow kinda thing?" I asked. Jimmy's glazed eyes snapped towards mine. He smiled some more and nodded his head.

"Yeah, but doing this for so long has taken a toll on my brain cells." He pointed out.

"Well no fucking shit." Taylor muttered. I laughed and glanced back at Jimmy.

"Well we're heading to Jaded City so Taylor and I can get back home. Do you want to come with us so you can wish for a brain?" I suggested. Jimmy glanced at the field then back at Taylor and I.

"Sure." He simply stated taking one last hit of the joint and throwing it to the ground.

"Let's blow this place." Tuck-Tuck exclaimed, making sure he had his pockets filled to the brim with weed. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Jay who snapped his eyes away from me. I smirked and lit up a cigarette.

"You want one Jay?" I offered making him turn back towards me. He smiled and nodded his head. He grabbed the cigarette and I handed him my lighter.

"Tuck-Tuck!" I called. His head snapped towards me and I chucked a cigarette at him. His eyes lit up and he stuck it between his lips. I chuckled and blew the smoke out of my lungs.

"So Jay…" Taylor started as we headed towards a forest. It looked pretty thick. Jay glanced at Taylor and she laughed.

"How much longer do you think?" She asked with a smirk. He just shrugged.

"We're still pretty far away, but we'll be there in no time." He answered with a sigh as we all stepped foot into the forest. Jimmy began snapping his head back and forth, staring at his surroundings.

"What was that?!" He asked, jumping towards Taylor when Tuck-Tuck stepped on a twig.

"Nothing. It's the ground beneath us crunching." I answered. Jimmy jumped again when a rustling came. Great, now he's getting paranoid on us.

"And that?!" He asked again with wide eyes.

"It's just the wind. Jeez." Taylor chuckled. "You need some more weed. Tuck-Tuck!" She called out. His head snapped towards her with excitement.

"Roll a bitch up and lets hit the joint." Taylor exclaimed. We all cheered merrily as Tuck-Tuck grabbed some of the weed that was in his pocket. Jimmy produced a pipe from his pocket. Tuck-Tuck crushed the weed into the pipe and I took out my lighter.

"Ladies first." Tuck-Tuck smiled handing Taylor the pipe. Taylor kissed Tuck-Tuck lightly and he began pounding his foot into the ground rapidly. She lit the pipe and took a hit before passing it along to me. I did the same process and smiled as the smoke settled into my lungs. A sense of euphoria began over taking my mind as the pipe got passed around the circle. But the thing with getting high is that I get hungry very easily right afterwards and the others started to get grumbly stomachs as well.

HAHA Grumbly! I love it!

"Dude, I'm fucking hungry." I laughed to Jay. He smiled dopily and nodded his head.

"Me too. Wait! Look! There's apple tree's over there!" He exclaimed. All four heads snapped towards where he was pointing and indeed there were apple trees.

"OH GOODY!" Taylor yelled running towards the apple trees. With her long legs she just reached up and grabbed apples for us all. She tossed us each one and we all took bites of the juicy apples.

"Oh fuck yes." I moaned out as the sweet taste hit my tongue. This caused Jay to perk his ears up and stare at me with awe. I smirked and took bite out of Jay's apple but making it look more seductive. I let my pierced tongue skim along the apple a bit making him gulp slightly.

"So good." I moaned out then biting my lip. His jaw dropped, but then a yelp came from Taylor. We all snapped our eyes towards her to see her pulling her short, short skirt back down, but I still caught a glimpse of my name that was tattooed on her ass. Her's was on mine too. Don't even ask.

"What the hell did you do?" I laughed. She glared at the tree, which I don't know why, and answered, "The branch lifted my skirt up."

I burst out laughing at her idiocy. "Yeah right, and the hot Wicked Witch of the West Coast is going to be pounding into my ass here in the next second." This seemed to make Jay pissed. He glared at the sky and muttered a few choice words.

"I'm serious!" She exclaimed flailing her arms.

"Whatever." I waved her off, but then the branches began moving wildly. Damn, she was serious.

"Why hello hello hot stuffs. What brings you to this neck of the woods, besides my hardwood?" The tree asked in a gruff voice. It was actually a pretty sexy voice. It would make a good vocal for a band.

Taylor and I cracked up as it said that, but Tuck-Tuck and Jay glared.

"Nothing, just getting to Jaded City. What's your name?" Taylor asked the tree.

"The name is Matt." He stated smoothly. "But for you baby it can be God because you'll be screaming that when my branches go inside of you and bring you the best orgasm ever." He said slyly. This caused me to snort with laughter as Taylor stared with shock.

"Yeah, no. We're leaving." Tuck-Tuck glared at the tree and stepped in front of her with a snarl. Jay and Jimmy led me and Taylor out, but Matt moved his branch to smack Taylor straight on the ass, making her moan slightly. A growl came from Tuck-Tuck as we walked away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tuck-Tuck drop his pants and take a piss on Matt. I burst out laughing as the Matt was yelling, "Hey! Stop that! What the fuck man!?"

Tuck-Tuck ran back towards us with a satisfied smile on his face. He wrapped an arm around Taylor and she chuckled.

We walked out of the forest, still following the Golden Riff Road. This place was so cool, but fucked up at the same time. Streams of beer flowed throughout the land, little sugar plum fairies danced in the rainbow sky singing the tune of Pantera. Swarms of flying guitars wailed throughout the sky flying free with soft cuddly heroine bears. Candy kept sprouting up from the ground along with trees filled with cigarettes dropping the occasional pack down to the soft cotton candy ground.

"Hey! What's that up ahead?" Jimmy asked, pointing to a rod that was sticking out from what looked like a wall. We all pranced up to see what it was, but when we got there we couldn't recognize it.

"Touch it Nik." Taylor told me. I shook my head.

"No way. You fucking touch it!" I responded.

"Chicken!!" She taunted. Oh hell no.

"Fine" I growled. I grabbed the rod and tugged on it slightly.

"Oh god, do it again." A voice moaned out. I screamed and retracted my hand instantly. My eyes snapped to where the voice came from and a pair of bright green eyes was staring straight into my brown ones. He had a septum piercing along with shiny snakebites pierced in his plump lips.

"Please, do that again. It's been so long." He gasped. I glanced down and realized I had tugged on his boner.

"Fuck no! Do it yourself!" I screeched wiping my hand all over Taylor thinking it would help that she would catch his boner germs. She glared and pushed me away.

"I would, but I've become so stiff because the last girl who was here stole my heart and left me like this. I didn't know how to react, so I need to be oiled up in order to move." He explained. Jay, Jimmy, and Tuck-Tuck all stared with sorrow.

"Damn dude. She just left you for blue balls?" Tuck-Tuck asked. The mystery man nodded his head.

"Yeah. It's quite sad." He shrugged while Taylor dug around in her bag.

"I feel for you mate." Jay said with a long face.

"AH HA! Here you go." Taylor exclaimed pulling out a bottle of warming lotion.

"I'll grease up your arms and you should be able to do the rest." She stated squirting the lotion on the man's tattooed arms. He started to move slowly. His limbs moved up and down, stretching joints that haven't been moved in forever. His fingers began wiggling as Taylor set the bottle in his hands.

"Here you go…"

"Zacky." He smiled graciously. Taylor smiled back.

"Well then, here you go Zacky. I think you can do the rest." She said with a chuckle. Zacky nodded his head and squirted some lotion into his hand.

"So where are you four headed?" He asked clanking his lip rings around.

"We're following the Golden Riff Road, heading to Jaded City to get back home, and Jimmy here wants a brain." I explained. Zacky's eyes lit up.

"Oh! After I'm finished here can I go with you so I can get a heart?!" He asked eagerly. I glanced at the others and shrugged.

"Why the fuck not." I smiled. "The more the merrier." I chimed.
♠ ♠ ♠
hahaha Well here's the next chapter of this fucked up story.
I write the next part as well and that should be out tomorrow.
Taylor and I LOVE comments and messages!