Somewhere Under The Influence

The Wicked Witch of the West Coast

We all walked along the Golden Riff Road with little golden music notes floating in the rainbow sky, but as we were walking I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us. I snapped my head back for the millionth time, but no one was behind us.

"Seriously Niki, you're just being paranoid again." Taylor sighed, giving Tuck-Tuck a pat on the head. He smiled widely at his girlfriend, but I shook my head.

"If I'm being paranoid then why is there a rustling in that JD bush and moose antlers sticking out from it?" I asked with a raised brow and my hand on my hip. All five heads snapped to where I was staring at.

"Well I'll be damned." Zacky announced.

"Mmmmhmmm" I said with a know it all attitude. The bush rustled some more making Jay step in front of me. Awe, how cute!!

"Who the fuck is in that bush!?" Taylor yelled. "I'm warning you! You better show yourself before I go medieval on your ass!" She threatened.

"NO! That's okay. I'm coming out." A voice called out. Slowly he stepped out of the bush and I had to hold my snort of laughter in. It was a normal looking man, but he had Moose antlers on his head. He stepped out holding his arms in the air showing us he wasn't a threat.

"The fuck are you?" Tuck-Tuck as sniffing him somewhat. The man jumped slightly. Fucking chicken.

"I'm Moose. I'm running from my crazy ex-girlfriend. The bitch is psycho and scary as hell." He exclaimed jumping at almost every little sound or movement.

"So we have a Cowardly Moose, well would you like to come with us to Jaded City so you can wish for some courage?" I asked. Moose's eyes went wide and he nodded his head.

"Oh yes that would be wonderful. That way I can stand up to the knife welding psycho bitch!" He stated making all our eyes go wide.

"Damn, the bitch who was with me just stole my heart, but your bitch is trying to stab it out. Damn." Zacky muttered to him. Moose nodded his head, but knocked Jimmy's head with his antlers in the process.

"Hey! Watch it!" Jimmy warned. Moose's eyes went wide and he scurried away from Jimmy to Tuck-Tuck.

"Hey! What's that in the sky!?" Zacky suddenly yelled pointing to the sky. We all looked up to hear a wailing guitar fill our ears, but a figure flying on top of the guitar.

"It's the Wicked Witch of the West Coast!" Jay exclaimed. This made me smile even wider. He was fucking hot!

"What's he spelling out with his guitar?" Zacky asked. Tuck-Tuck tilted his head to the side showing his clear confusion. Moose hid behind Jimmy, who just had a dopey smile on his face and didn't really know what was going on.

SURRENDER TAYLOR! Was the first part of the message. Taylor just snorted with laughter and held her middle finger in the air.

"FUCK YOU WITCH! THESE BABIES ARE MINE!" She yelled waving the one finger salute to him. I could see the glare on his face, but he continued his message.


I let out a giggle when I read that, but Jay let out a growl. That man is too adorable. I have a way to fix this between him and Brian. Brian flew off with guitar wailing some wicked notes behind him.

"Well that interesting." I smiled. A few grumbles came all around and we continued our journey to Jaded City.

"LOOK! WE'RE HERE!!!" Tuck-Tuck yapped happily jumping up and down and running in circles around Taylor.

"Calm down!" Taylor hissed to him and he instantly stopped and dropped his head down. Taylor rolled her eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek. He immediately perked back up. We walked into the city and I couldn't help but think it was so much like Vegas, only on acid. Everything was more intense and out there. Lights were brighter, buildings were higher and the people we more crazy.

"Damn." I muttered walking a little closer to Jay. The last thing I want to do is get lost in this city.

"You come to see the Wizard am I correct?" A voice stated. We all stopped walking and glanced around at where the voice came from.

"Over here." He said again. This time a man with a scruffy goatee and shoulder length hair with ripped black jeans a Guns n' Roses shirt appeared.

"Fuck that was cool!" I smiled goofily. He smirked, but perked his pierced eyebrow up.

"Oh, yeah. You're correct." Taylor answered for us all.

"Excellent he is ready for you." He said. I wonder what his name is.

"I’m Padge." He said as if he read my mind. "I am the person who communicates between the people and the Wizard."

"Sweet. He a cool dude?" Jimmy asked. His eyes were still so bloodshot. It made me laugh.

"You can say that. He's pretty much God, I can tell you that." Padge smirked.

"Huh, this dude must be interesting." I muttered to Jay. Jay nodded his head and linked his fingers with mine. I smiled as I glanced down at our hands and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. We entered a giant room that was mostly black, but had flames erupting everywhere, but it wasn't hot. That was the cool thing.

"I AM THE WIZARD!!" A voice, with a slight slur boomed, but then the flames grew ten times larger making us all gasp and stare with awe.

"You are all heerrreee for shoome wishes. Well, get the , the PADGE! What is it called that plays the guitar?" He yelled to Padge. Padge just sighed and shook his head, but fuck me. I could barely understand this guy. I glanced at Taylor who had the same look at me.

"A pick." He muttered.

"AH HA! THAT'S IT! Get the golden pick from the Wicked Witch of the West Coast and you shall have your wishes!!" He boomed once again. The flames grew again before Padge led us out of the room again.

"You heard the Wizard get the golden pick and then come back." He said and then just disappeared leaving us all look like we just got fucked in the ass.

"Well that was quick." Taylor mumbled. I nodded my head as well. Way quick.

"No shit. So I guess we go find Brian?" I suggested.

"Yeah, but how?" Taylor asked, before anyone could answer a scream escaped my lips as I felt myself being whisked away, along with Taylor. She held tightly onto Tuck-Tucks hand who was flying behind. I realized I was in someone's lap and flying in the air. I glanced up at who just stole us from the ground like that and smirked when it was Brian.

"Well look who it is." I smirked at Brian and noticed the golden pick around his neck. He smirked down at me as well.

"I told you I'd get you." He stated smoothly. I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around his neck. I inhaled his witchy scent and just let the breeze hit me as we all flew through the air.

"Come along you two!" Brian snapped to Taylor and Tuck-Tuck as he just carried me bridal style towards his castle.

"Oh fuck off asshole. I'll go as fast as I fucking want!" Taylor barked back causing Brian and Tuck-Tuck to jump slightly, but I was use to it. Brian rolled his eyes and continued walking as I glanced at Taylor. I shot her a wink telling her I'll get us out of this. She smirked and gave me a thumbs up.

"Brian?" I asked running my finger down his chest slightly. His brown eyes snapped down towards mine with a smirk.

"Yes?" He asked setting me down onto my feet. I pressed my chest into his and continued to make patterns with my finger along his tattooed arms. I noticed his breathing got a little heavier as I did this, so with one hand I played with his long hair, tugging it slightly and then with my other hand I just led my finger down his chest and to his pant line.

"I want to have some fun…" I paused letting my breath cascade down his neck and eyeing how I could get the pick off. I'm gonna have to get rough. "…The kind of fun I know you can show me." I seductively said. That's all it took before I found his lips on top of mine. I moaned as his tongue pried my lips open and darted through my mouth. I backed me up against a wall and pressed our bodies closer. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let out a giggle, but turned into a moan as his hands held my ass up. Brian's lips left mine and attached them to my neck instantly biting down in the spot that made me groan.

"WOW. Her sluttyness comes in handy." Tuck-Tuck whispered to Taylor as they just watched Brian and I with awe and wonder. Why the fuck were they still here?! My eyes snapped open and I glared at Tuck-Tuck. He snapped his eyes to the floor as Taylor grabbed his arm and ran towards the door.

"NOT SO FAST!" A voice boomed. Brian stopped sucking on my neck immediately and turned his neck back. I glared at Johnny Monkey Bitch who was flapping his wings along with an army of other monkey bitches. They all surrounded Taylor and Tuck-Tuck.

"These two were trying to escape!" He exclaimed as the other monkey bitches hissed at them both. Brian set me down and sighed.

"Great. We'll finish this my sexy." He mumbled and then pecked my lips. I smirked, but watched in horror as out of nowhere Jay just pounced on him like a crazed Oompa Loompa, only taller. They both wrestled around on the floor and Zacky, and Moose began fighting off the other monkey bitches with his big ass antlers, along with Tuck-Tuck who was barking at Johnny and chasing him. Taylor, Jimmy, and I just stood there watching with amusement as this circus unveiled.

"I SAW HER FIRST!" Jay grunted as Brian laughed and kept him in a head lock.

"Too bad! She's mine now! NOOGIE!!" He exclaimed digging his knuckles into Jay's head.

"FUCKING STOP!" Jay yelled kicking around and thrashing his arms. A smirk grew on his face when he grabbed Brian's boxers and yanked them up violently.

"ATOMIC WEDGIE!" Jay screeched, yanking them up even higher. I have to say, it's quite nice having two hot guys fight over you, but I need to get that damn golden pick so I can solve everyone's problem. Now, how to get it?

"FUCKING STOP!!!!!!!!" Jimmy's voice suddenly yelled. Instantly everyone froze, which included Tuck-Tuck biting Johnny.

"We just need to all get along. Chill out, become friends, and I have the cure." Jimmy smiled dopily. We all watched him as he whipped out a big ass bong out of his pants, much like cartoon characters would do in Looney Tunes.

Everyone marveled at the six foot rainbow bong and the ten pounds of weed that came with it. Tuck-Tuck fainted much like he did when we found the field of weed.

"Let's hit this bong and just sing along to the song of life." He stated with that same damn smile he had when we first met him.

"And I have liquor!" Moose exclaimed with much confidence. He held a box of booze and Taylor eyes perked up when she spotted the JD.

"WE HAVE JD!!" She squealed to me and ran up to Moose. She grabbed the bottle, but not before giving him a kiss of gratitude.

"WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE WE GOT FUN AND GAMES!!" Johnny and the other monkey bitches sang along as we all took puffs from the bong. I sat in between Brian (Who was staying away from the Everclear, and I don't blame him. Nasty shit.) and Jay, who both had their hands on my thighs, rubbing them softly and getting me excited. Taylor sat in Tuck-Tuck's lap with a shit eating grin on her face. Moose kept running his mouth around of how he was going to cut a bitch up if his ex shows up. I swear, get the guy drunk and he has all the courage in the world. He's like fucking Popeye, but instead of strength from spinach, he needs booze for courage. I grimaced as Moose poured himself a shot of Everclear. Bad times with it and it's disgusting too. He took the shot, but didn't swallow the liquid because he spit it out all over Brian right when Jimmy came up to him and slapped him in the back. Brian stared in horror and his skin began to smoke.

"NOO!!! I'M MELTING! MELTING!!" He yelled starting to turn into a puddle next to me. I jumped into Jay's lap as we all watching horror as Brian melted. Soon he was nothing but a puddle of what seemed to smell like whiskey and the golden pick. I grabbed the pick and turned towards Moose with a glare.

"FUCKING A! I was going to wish for a damn hotel room with Brian and Jay handcuffed to the bed. Looks like I can't do that shit now! Thanks a lot Moose!" I yelled getting up from Jay's lap, who just spit out his beer when he comprehended what I actually said.

Everyone stood up and the party just died once Brian melted. "Well, let's go back to the Wizard." Taylor sighed. Fucking Moose.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!! I posted another chapter! haha
Now it's finally Taylors turn, who will have the ending for you fine folks!
This is the most fucked up story I've ever written. ahah
Hope you all like it!
