One Shots


I watched her.
On stage.
Like everyone else in the theatre.
I watched her dance.
The girl who had ruined me.
Broken my heart.
Fucked with my mind.
Nearly killed me.
She didn't even know it.
She just danced.
But tonight, was her last night.
She would never dance again.
I was going to have my revenge.
Three cheers for sweet revenge, that's what I say.
I watched her dance below me.
My angel, dancing as if she hadn't a care in the world.
And she didn't.
I cut the wire.
The lighting wire.
The wire that held the lights up.
I watched them fall.
Towards her.
I saw her look up.
I saw her eyes meet mine.
For the first and last time.
I heard her scream.
I relished that scream.
I watched the lights crush her.
Crush her angelic frame.
I smiled as the blood spread from her.
I smiled as the audience panicked.
I savoured the screams, the panicked atmosphere,
The death.
Three cheers for sweet revenge.
That's what I say.
That's what I got.