Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Prologue

Darkest Empire - X-Ray Dog
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

I watched in horror as Ryan fought with an underling, their arms flashing so quickly that they were almost a blur.

He hadn't realized that the enemy was right behind him in the midst of the fierce battle.


I pushed him out of the enemy's way.

Now I was vulnerable.

I closed my eyes and steadied myself for the intensity of the pain and the blow as I could feel my enemy pouncing for the attack...

I had no time to escape.

But at least Ryan was safe. My sixth sense was accurate, as usual. I knew something was going to happen today. I just hadn't realised that it would be this bad.

The same thing had happened again...

This time, not to anyone else.

But to me.

It was a hundred times more painful than I had imagined it to be.

I choked out, blood gushing out of my mouth. Already, the pain was sapping away my ability to think.

Looking down, I saw the enemy's fist protruding out of my stomach.

He had punched me cleanly through the body.

I gasped, falling forward...

Down, down, down...


A wild cry tore out, its pain resonating through the air, merging with my own pain...