Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twelve

Brightest Hour - Submarines
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

I breathed deeply, letting out a soft "mmph" as I smushed my face against my pillow. There was a familiar metallic smell, cool and comforting... I sighed, contented and happy, pressing my face deeper into my pillow.

Then I realised how rock hard my pillow was.

My eyes flew open in shock.

My arms were wrapped around Ryan's waist, and we were in MY bed. He had his arm tucked around me, and his eyes were shut - he was asleep.

I shot up, screeching, kicking him off the bed.

He fell face-first, landing rather heavily on the floor, letting out a muffled "OW."

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR??" He stood up yelling, rubbing his cheeks and glaring fiercely at me.


He was in MY bed and he's SCREECHING at ME?

I breathed in deeply before I finally hollered.


He glared at me and I glared back at him.

"I saved your ass and THIS is how you repay me? Besides, you were the one who clung on to me and didn't want me to leave!"






There was a silence as he stared at me for awhile.

"You don't remember anything." He said flatly.

It was more of a statement rather than a question, but I still shook my head.

"It must be the silver dust." He muttered under his breath.

"What silver dust?" I asked.

"Look at your clothes."

I stared down at myself, amazed that I was dressed in trackpants and a tee shirt, which were heavily caked with mud and dried blood.

"I found you in the forest. Your leg was trapped in some kind of a trap. I got you out, cleaned your wound, got you back. You were asleep, and you clung on to me when I was about to leave." He said.

"The trap I found you in," He continued, "...was dusted in silver."

"You should know what that means. Silver is the most potent thing that can kill a werewolf... It only burns vampires. It's like poison. So I guess your memory's a bit hazy right now."

He turned to me, his lightning-blue eyes glorious.

"You should be careful. Apparently, that trap was meant for you. Someone's after you."

Someone's after me?


As if guessing my thoughts, he continued.

"My best bet is that you might have offended some vampires. Now that they know that your Aunt has passed away..." He paused, and his blue eyes took in my reaction as I flinched from the impact of his words.

It was almost as though he had flung scalding hot water at me.

She had been gone for awhile, yet I still couldn't... accept it fully yet.

"...they might be back for revenge." He finished, and he came closer to me, his expression concerned.

"You alright?" He gazed at me.

He was so awfully close to me, his lightning blue eyes so gorgeous and mesmerising as usual. I felt my heartbeat accelerate, my stomach fluttering.

I had this sudden, crazy urge to kiss him.

Apparently, werewolves weren't spared from a vampire's charms too.

Calm down, Christine.

Don't look at his eyes.

I let out my breath, and I focused my attention instead on his eyebrows.

"Why should I believe you? You might just be trying to distract me from the fact that you were in my bed!!"

He rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hand.

"Whatever, Christine. I cannot believe THIS..."

And with that, he disappeared.

I pressed my face into my palms, breathing shakily, feeling myself break out in cold sweat. My heart was still racing crazily, even though he wasn't around anymore.

This level of influence he had over me was unhealthy.

Christine, Christine, what has he done to you?