Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Thirteen

Temptation - Moby
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

Ever felt alone even when you were surrounded by people?

I shuffled into the cafeteria, feeling ill at ease with the constant buzz of the mindless chatter of the students. I got myself a slice of pizza and a packet of strawberry milk, before grabbing a seat at an empty table.

I poked my pizza miserably, sighing. Cafeteria food never looked so bad before. Ever since my first transformation, my diet had changed too. I needed meat every meal. I stared at the single piece of meat at the side of the pizza, my appetite lost already.

I used to eat my beef steak well-done, but after my first transformation, I became a little wolfish, and I started to prefer mine a little raw.

I can still remember the look my mum had given me when I requested my steak to be rare.

"Erm.. Hahaha... I was just kidding. Medium, I meant." After which, I gave her a cheesy smile.

I opened the packet of milk, taking a swig out of it, my eyes scanning the cafeteria.

You could clearly tell the distinction between the different cliques in the school. The nerds, the athletes, the popular crowd, the ostracised ones...

Including you.

I'm not even part of the ostracised ones. I'm also ostracised by the ostracised ones. How ironic.

It was your choice.

I know.

Yes, I did choose for it to be so. I steered clear of friendship, the very moment I knew what I really was.

I was a werewolf, and nothing could change this fact.


I sighed, my glance falling upon a certain table.

My very first few friends in Forks.

My eyes focused on a certain someone.

The very first person who had struck up a friendship with me.

The very someone I had pushed away, yet who always kept trying... Trying to be my friend again.

Sarah Wheatley.

I gazed at her, staring vacantly at her beautiful blonde hair that fell across her face, flawless and perfect. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald green, and in the light, I could sometimes make out shades of golden in them.

I used to tell her that I loved her eyes, and she used to laugh and tell me that she would trade them with mine, any day.

She was beautiful, effortlessly so. The tinkle of her laugh echoed across the cafeteria, and I felt a soft pang.

I miss her.

She turned towards my direction, as though she had sensed my gaze, and for a moment, our eyes met, and she smiled tentatively.

I flushed, turning away.

"Watcha looking at, Sarah?"


I tensed visibly, feeling a blush rise up my cheeks. I started playing with the straw in my hand.

"You're too soft-hearted, Sarah. She doesn't need us. She was the one who pushed us away."


"I know. I just think that she has her reasons."

There was a snort.

"We were her friends. Don't you think she could have told us, if something really was wrong?"


I really miss you all.

I'm really sorry.

But I had to do it.

How could I even think of exposing my friends to such danger?

"You should be careful. Apparently, that trap was meant for you. Someone's after you."

Ryan's words echoed in my head, acting as though as a reminder of my identity.

Going after vampires, killing them... I was bound to be a target for revenge. And friends were an easy way to get to me.

I looked at the table where they were sitting, and hastily looked away again. All of them were looking at me, with a mixture of resentment and anger. All except one.


She looked upset instead, her emerald eyes brooding.

I stared at my pizza blankly, before sighing heavily again. I picked it up...

Only to find that it had disappeared.

I blinked stupidly.

Then I looked up and saw Ryan chewing delicately on my pizza.

He grinned at me, sitting down opposite of me, and he replaced the pizza back on its plate. He had only had a bite, and it was where the only piece of meat had been.

I groaned.

"Get your own food, Black."

"I can't get any here."

I raised my eyebrows slightly at him.

"Why eat mine then if you can't eat human food?"

He shrugged.

"To piss you off. Especially when you need meat so much."

I felt myself flare up in anger.

"You enjoy subjecting others to the same agony you're going through, do you? Just because you can't get food here, you want me to suffer like you. Sick bastard."

He moved away from me, shocked at my sudden outburst of emotion.

"Woah, touche. I'm sorry, it was just a joke. What's gotten into you? "

He held out both of his hands in surrender, his voice light and casual, but his lightning-blue eyes grew concerned, burning holes into me.

I huffed, my eyes instinctively shifted towards that specific table, feeling my heart squeeze in response.

I regained my composure and shifted my gaze back quickly to him, but it was already too late. He had already seen the expression on my face. His gaze softened, and for a while we were both quiet.

Even though he couldn't read my mind, he could probably read theirs.

"I'm sorry." He said simply.

I sighed heavily.

"Don't be. I chose for it to be so."

We were quiet for awhile. The awkward silence began to drive me crazy, strangely, even though we were surrounded by the raucous chatter of the rest of the students. I focused my attention on the remainder of my pizza instead, chewing it with much distaste.

He began to play with his fingers, lacing them together and unlacing them together. I stared at them too; fascinated by how long and thin his fingers were, yet graceful, like that of a pianist. I played the piano, but mine were stubby and short for some reason, so unlike that of a musician's.

"How's your leg now?" He blurted out suddenly.

Instantly I blushed, embarrassed. I gazed at my hands. After that morning he left, I had examined my leg. It had healed quite nicely, except for a long, thin scar which was slightly visible, probably the after-effects of the silver dust. And after a good rest, I had remembered what had happened that night, much to my horror.

"It's fine. Except for a scar. I remember what happened that night already." I could see the wicked amusement in his eyes, when he realised my discomfiture. I stared at my pizza, willing myself to say the words.

Spit it out, Christine.


I could picture his smirk now, even though I was still staring down at my pizza.

"Thank you for saving my life." I mumbled.

There was silence for awhile.

Was he laughing at me?

I raised my eyes timidly, at once shocked to find him smiling at me, his expression soft and gentle. I stared at the dimple in his right cheek, and my heart leaped in response.

I coughed, hoping that he hadn't heard my heartbeat increase. He continued to stare at me, and I stared back at his eyes, breathless...

"Well, at least now you won't have the delusion that I'm madly in love with you and stalking you in your home like some pervert or something." He suddenly smirked.

"Though I wonder, with a chest as flat as a runway, who would?"

I gaped at him, shocked.

My eyes instantly travelled to my chest, and I turned red.

He caught my gaze and he started laughing uncontrollably.


I stomped away from the table.