Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Fourteen

What I've Done - Linkin Park
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

I got into my car, slamming the door shut, almost shattering the glass pane.

That Ryan really gets on my nerves, I tell you.

I laid back in the driver's seat, pressing the tips of my fingers to my temples.

My cellphone vibrated suddenly in my pocket, giving me a huge scare. I flew upwards and hit my head on the roof on the car, immediately seeing stars. I cringed in pain, cursing and rubbing the small bump on my head.

Pulling it out, I glanced at the screen.

The picture on the screen flashed.

Sarah calling...

I stared at the screen, the name jumping out at me. It was as if she and I were barricaded by a glass wall and she was pounding on it, trying to call to me, trying to reach me as I stared blankly at her, wishing she COULD understand...

I would rather have her think that I was just an unworthy friend, rather than a freak.

A monster.

I didn't want her to be frightened of me.

I tossed my cell phone on the passenger seat, turning the keys in the ignition, trying my best to ignore the vibration of my cell as I drove home...

I shuffled into the house, exhausted. I grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge, pouring it out into a glass, before swirling the orange liquid around the glass, forming a mini whirlpool. I watched the whirlpool dissipate as I stopped turning the glass, then I took a long swig out of it.

My sixth sense was kicking in again, and it was screaming at me that something was terribly wrong.

Or was it because I felt bad that I had, once again, refused to pick up Sarah's calls?

I glanced at my cell phone on the kitchen table, staring at it as it started to vibrate again.

Sarah calling...

The picture on the screen flashed again.

I stared at it.

It was a picture of me, Sarah and Rita.

The three of us were over at her place, doing a project, due the very next day. We had left the project till too late, and we were struggling to finish it, otherwise we had to face the wrath of our History teacher.

It wasn't long before I got bored, and I took out my cell phone.


A shot of Rita, in the most unglamourous position, squatting down with her head between her knees and sticking her tongue out at me.


A shot of Sarah pretending to dig her nose.


A shot of Sarah and I pulling the most idiotic faces at the camera.


A shot of the three of us. Sarah had suggested the last shot. Rita and I were leaning in towards her, looking as though we were about to kiss her, and she was in the centre, acting as our "pimp", looking haughty and important.

We had broke out into giggles, after which, Rita and I had tackled Sarah to her bed and started to tickle her. We ended up on the floor, and started a pillow fight instead, our project all forgotten.

We always called her our pimp after that.

That photo never failed to crack me up.

My cell phone shuddered to a stop, and it flashed once, indicating that I had another missed call.

Seven missed calls.

I stared at the screen, feeling uneasy again.

She's fine without you, Christine.

I shook my head, trying to shake away the feelings of unease I had. I washed up the glass before trudging upstairs for a nice long bath.

There was a knock on the door as I was lying on my bed, reading a book.

My Mum tossed me a letter, a white envelope with my name on it.

I thanked her, and she closed the door, before I opened it up to read.

I stared at the neat script on the paper, instantly recognising the nauseating, metallic, cold scent on the paper... it was a vampire's.

Do you remember me?
You once took someone important away from me.
So easily.
Can you imagine how it feels to lose someone important to you?
Someone you care so much about.
Someone you would die without.
I expect not.
But you'll understand soon...
Vampires are what you detest most, yes?
What happens if someone you love becomes one?
Would you kill her like you killed my beloved?

We'll find out soon.

A blackness flooded through my heart, and suddenly I felt as though I was completely vulnerable.

Ryan was right.

Someone was after me.

Someone who was bent on revenge.

He had taken someone important to me.

Someone I cared so much about.

Someone I would die without.
