Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Fifteen

Heart of Courage - Two Steps from Hell
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

No, please... No... Don't let it be too late...

I ran towards the direction of Sarah's place, my heart pounding painfully against my chest. There were still people on the streets despite the hour, and I couldn't morph into my wolf form.

I accelerated, urging myself to go faster.

Please don't let me be too late...

I ran down the streets, my feet pounding on the concrete, gasping as I raced across the lawn.

The door was already open.

The house reeked of vampire.

I felt a sense of dread envelope me as I pushed the door further open, and the smell of death washed over me.

I let myself into the house, on the alert. I sniffed the air and listened carefully for any sound.

The house was eerily quiet.

I stepped into the living room, and reeled back in shock.

Oh god.

I stared down at the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley, their bodies chalk-white and drained entirely of blood. There were bite marks on their necks. They had been tortured before that, their limbs broken, hanging limply like rag dolls, their necks snapped back by force.

I choked back a sob, repulsed by the scene before me. They had been kind to me, and they had loved me as if I were their own.

I heard a distant moan.

"Sarah?" I called out, my heart racing.

Though I didn't sense any more vampires in the house, it was still dangerous.

There was another moan, and a soft whisper.


I rushed up the stairs, my heart in my mouth. I pushed the door open, rushing to her side. She was lying weakly on the floor, pressing her fingers on her neck, barely covering the two distinct puncture marks of a vampire bite.

He bit her.

"No!" I cried out.

"It's all my fault..."

I felt the angry sting of tears as I pulled her towards me.

She gazed up at me, her expression vacant, the light in her emerald-green eyes flickering. She smiled at me, and I felt my heart contract in response.

"Do you know what's happening to you?" I asked softly.

She hesitated, before she nodded.

"I'm going to be a vampire, aren't I?"

I brushed her beautiful blonde hair away from her face.

"It's all my fault... I'm so sorry..."

She was starting to become cold. I pressed myself closer to her, hoping that I could warm her somehow.

"It's not your fault..."

"He wanted to take revenge on me... I should have been here for you... I should have picked up your calls... I should have..."

She let out a sudden scream, and she pushed me aside as she writhed on the floor in agony.

The vampire venom is taking effect.

I stared at her, horrified, watching her struggle and scream in pain. I stared at her, helpless as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Kill me!" She screeched.

"I don't want to become a monster... Kill me, Christine!"

I staggered backwards, confused. I shuddered, falling to my feet, burying my face in my hands.

"I can't..." I sobbed.

"I don't want to lose you like this... I can't do it..."

She continued to scream.

"Christine... Please!"

What happens if someone you love becomes one?

Would you kill her like you killed my beloved?

The words echoed in my head again.


I screamed, standing up and breaking a part of her table away, turning it into a makeshift stake.


I stood over her, sobbing as she stared up at me, her body still constricting from the stabbing pains in her limbs.

I watched as her features gradually grew more beautiful, her eyes beginning to gain their light again. Her beautiful emerald-green eyes. The beautiful shades of gold. Soon, she would feed, and she would lose her eyes.

She would gain those red, blood lusty, eyes.

I screamed again, holding the stake in both my hands, focusing my entire strength on that one last stab...

And I pushed the stake down.