Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Seventeen

Forgotten September - Two Steps From Hell
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Ryan's POV-

I stepped out of the room, taking care to close it quietly after me.

I motioned with a finger towards Christine, moving to a dark corner of my living room. She followed me, her face tear-stained, the trails crusted with salt.

Why was everything terrible happening to her?

I looked into her black orbs, the glow in them strangely dimmed. The worry was swimming in her eyes as she waited anxiously for me to speak. She was shivering, from both fright and anxiety. I stared at her, worried, wishing I could help her somehow.

Wishing that she wouldn't put up a strong front in front of me.

Wishing that I could protect her.

Wishing that she would letme protect her.

But would she, a werewolf, let me, a vampire, protect her?

I swallowed back the words that wouldn't come.

"She's fine. Her body couldn't take it, the venom's too strong. She couldn't cope with the sudden burst of strength. She just needs some rest."

I watched as her expression sunk into one of relief. Then it was gone, as quickly as it had came, her face merging into a mask of strength and composure, proud and unsettled again.

But it was obvious that she was devastated.

Very much so.

"You should rest too." I said, motioning to another room at the back. I could tell that she was exhausted.

I knew her mental exhaustion greatly outweighed her physical fatigue.

"There's a bathroom next to it, you can wash up in there before you get some rest."

She hesitated, her black orbs filled with uncertainty.

"Don't worry, I have more than enough space here. There's some blood in the kitchen, I've already poured it into a glass. It's on the bar. Give it to her when she wakes... I... " I stopped as I saw a mixture of sorrow and revulsion flit across her face.

I knew her hate for vampires.

To her, we were all vile, blood-sucking creatures.

I knew that she was struggling to accept the fact that her best friend had become a vampire.

One of those she was supposed to hate.

I knew she hated me as well.

I didn't blame her.

She hadn't tried to kill me, because I hadn't hurt anyone.

And even right now.. though I knew she was making use of me, I was willing to let myself be used by her.

"It's animal blood." I said quietly. I turned away. "I'm going out for awhile."

"Wait!" She called out from behind me.

I glanced back at her.

"Where are you going?" She questioned. Her voice was shaky and soft.

"The Wheatleys. I'll clean up the scene, then I'll call the police. Make it seem like a robbery. Shift the suspicions off Sarah."

I watched as she winced at Sarah's name. A hard knot formed in my stomach, as I hesitated for awhile.

I moved closer towards her, the words flowing out from my mouth.

"Be strong, Christine." I cupped my hands against her warm cheeks, praying that my touch would comfort her somehow.

Instead, she flinched, moving away from me.

I stepped back, appalled at her reaction.

"I'm sorry."

I saw the tears that came to her eyes, and immediately I regretted my actions.

"Stay strong for Sarah. She needs you more than ever now." I choked out.

And like a coward, I fled from her, teleporting away...

-Christine's POV-

I staggered backwards, gasping, my tears falling quickly as he teleported away.

His lightning-blue eyes had the remarkable ability to peel away the strong front from me. Everytime I looked at him, I felt as though he could see through me. I felt completely vulnerable and weak before him. I thought that I was strong, strong enough in front of him. But when he placed his hands on my cheeks, I instantly cracked under his touch.

The layers fell, and I finally gave in to my weakness.

Before him, I couldn't put up a facade. I couldn't pretend to be strong. I didn't need to, it was useless anyway. His eyes would survey me, and immediately he could pinpoint that something was wrong.

I hated the way he had so much influence over me.

I hated the way I thought of him instantly, whenever I needed help.

Whenever I was down.

I hated the way he would treat me, so gently, as though he was afraid to hurt me.

As though he wanted to protect me.

But why would a vampire want to protect a werewolf?

I hated the way that I was so dependent on him.

(strike)I hated the way he was gradually making me fall for him, even when I wasn't supposed to.(/strike)

I hated the way he was confusing me.