Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter One

Mud - Peaches
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

I stared at the mirror, idly playing with a strand of my black hair.

Christine Yang! It's not your first day in school... so why the hell are you so nervous today?

I don't know why either...something's going to happen today. I can feel it.

Like what? Meet the guy of your dreams? You dream too much, Chris.

I snorted.

Shut up you.

You know I won't. You'll miss my voice too much.

You shut up. You're just all part of my imagination.


Ignoring the rant of vulgarities running through my mind, I closed my eyes, lifting my hand and placing it over my heart which was... fluttering?

Like something good was about to happen.

Call it the sixth sense... Especially being what I was.

I chuckled dryly.

Why me though?

I was just a typical teenager.

Apart from being out of place in good old Forks.

Gazing at the mirror, I saw nothing that spelled out how...special I was.

I wasn't pretty or anything. I didn't have a battle scar across my face. I was different here.

But still.

Nothing special.

Being Asian made all the difference. I had long, black hair that fell to my shoulders, though I usually tucked it into a ponytail.

I studied my eyes.


I looked more Asian than American. My Mum was an American, my dad a Singaporean.

"Dad..." I whispered softly.

My heart squeezed in response.

I could feel the familiar curl of pain rising from the depths of my heart.

Stop it. Stop the pain.

I breathed in deeply, trying to keep the pain in control.

The pain finally released its vice-grip on me as I steadied myself and left for school.

The bell rang for first period.

I picked out the stuff I needed for Biology before slamming the locker shut. I walked to the classroom, dreading every minute.

Don't misunderstand me, I love Biology, but I totally hated the teacher, Mrs. Anderson.

I sat down next at my usual seat at the back of the class, alone as usual.

I kept to myself. Being what I was, if I were to hurt anyone I knew again, I would never forgive myself.

Electricity ran through my body. I felt greatly uneasy... as I knew whatever had given me the jitteriness this morning was going to happen soon.

What would it be?

A pretty cute looking guy I didn't know walked in then and handed a note to Mrs. Anderson.

His jet black hair tumbled over his eyes. He was pale-looking, and he looked as though he was a supermodel. I surveyed him in curiosity as he spoke quietly to Mrs. Anderson, nodding to something she was saying.

Then, I stiffened in shock.

That boy was 100% vampire.

I could smell him from where I was. That familiar metallic smell rolling off him in waves...

Why didn't you smell that earlier? Why did you only realize that he is a vampire when he is standing only 3 meters away from you?!!

I didn't realize that there would be a vampire in SCHOOL, you moron.

Wait a minute...why does he smell...So strange?

At the same instant, he stiffened and looked at me. His blue eyes flashed in my direction as he frowned at the apparent hostility in my face.


I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion. Almost every vampire I had killed had red eyes.

Bloodlust had turned their eyes red. But why did this one look so different?

I closed my eyes, concentrated, and made time stop.

I flashed to the vampire's side and snarled.