Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Nineteen

Fall to Earth - Glass Pear
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

"You are...?" Sarah stared blankly at me.

"There was a reason why I chose to stay away from you guys..."

I stared into Sarah's eyes, feeling a stabbing sensation at my heart as I realised that her eyes were no longer the same colour, that gorgoeus emerald green. They were a darker, deeper, jade green, with a darker shade of golden in the reflection of the light.

At least her eyes aren't red.

I swallowed, my throat parched, my lips dry as she watched me intently, as though she was willing me to speak.

"Why?" She said softly, as though fearing the next words that would come.

I breathed in deeply, moving closer towards her.

"I'm sorry..." I held out my arms as I embraced her. "It's all my fault..."

She hesitated, before her arms formed a tight circle around me.

I could feel the tickle of her scent against my nose, that strong, cool metallic scent.

"I'm a werewolf..." I whispered into her ear.

She pulled away instantly, her gaze suddenly horrified.

"You were bitten?"

For a moment, I had the strange impulse to laugh. I let out a weak smile as I watched her horror fade in response, and she smiled weakly too.

I shook my head.

"It doesn't work that way for us. It runs in the family... "

"I first turned on my 17th birthday." I continued shakily. "It was so painful the first time I did... Lucky for me, my aunt was there, and she helped..." I trailed off, my heart aching at the thought of my Aunt.

Her face softened at the expression on my face.

"I'm so sorry about your Aunt." She said quietly.

There was silence between us for awhile, before she broke it.

"Are those stories you told me true? The ones that say that werewolves and vampires are enemies... " She asked.

I hesitated before nodding again.

I saw the sorrow flit into her expression, but it was gone as quickly as it had came.

"We'll be the first to be the best friends." She smiled.

For the first time that day, I laughed, feeling a warm sensation spread in the pits of my stomach, relief wafting over me.

"Technically, my aunt and I went after those vampires who hurt people. Well, she did. Basically, I only helped to finish off the easier ones. I'm weak, and not strong enough to face up to a really strong vampire." I continued softly, aware of the mixture of pain and unease on her face.

"She taught me to be careful. She told me that to protect the people that we love, we had to leave them... They were easy targets for revenge. That's why I chose to break away from you guys... I couldn't bear the thought that I could be the reason why you guys were hurt. I didn't want you guys to be dragged into it. I wanted you guys to be safe...."

"When Aunt Andrea died... I was alone. For the first time in my life, I felt utterly helpless. For the first time, she wasn't there to back me up during a fight, she wasn't there to protect me. I was alone. Weak, and vulnerable."

Now for the difficult part.

"Sarah." I said softly.

"Now that my aunt's gone, they're after me."

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from them... I'm sorry they hurt you..."

She stared blankly at me. Then her face crumpled into pain. She fell to her knees, sobbing, choking on her tears as she wept.

"Mum... Dad..."

I held her close towards me, as I brushed her tears away, rocking her back and forth as I tried to comfort her.

"Hate me if you want... I don't blame you... I'm so sorry... "

She shook her head, unable to say anything else, but we both knew.

Sarah would never hate me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."

And that was all I could say as I watched her weep in pain. I knew how useless it was to apologise, but there was nothing else I could do...

I closed the door softly behind me, turning around to face Ryan.

"She's asleep again." I whispered.

He nodded, his face full of pity as he looked at me.

I must look like a wreck.

"I'll keep an eye on her. Go get some rest." He said.

I stared into his lightning blue eyes, before I blurted out...

"I need your help."