Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twenty

Opposite Direction - Union of Knives
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Ryan's POV-


"I need your help, Black." She repeated again.

Her lips were set into a very determined line, as she looked at me, her black orbs glittering.

"Please make me stronger."

All at once, I finally understood what she wanted. There was complete silence for a while, as I stared into her eyes and I finally found my voice...

"You want a vampire to help you?"

The words came out much stronger than I had intended them to, and I regretted them the moment I saw her flinch.

She nodded slowly, her hair sliding forward with the motion of her head.

"I can't let anyone else get hurt. I'm still too weak to protect them. I can't do this alone..." She wavered, her voice quivering as she stepped closer towards me.

"Please, Ryan."

This is the first time she called me by my name.

My eyes flashed to hers.

Damn those eyes.

She looked completely vulnerable.
And all at once I wanted to protect her.

I cursed mentally, sighing as I turned away from her.

"I know you hate me, but please help me." She said quietly.

I turned abruptly, the anger evident in my voice.

"I do not hate you."

She stared up at me again, under her long lashes, her expression sceptical, but she kept quiet.

You don't know how much it's hurting me that you're feeling this way.

I sighed again, before I turned away from her. I stepped a few steps forward, before I hesitated.

"From tomorrow onwards then. 7 in the evening here. Don't be late."
♠ ♠ ♠
The big two-o!
Sorry this is so short.
But I felt that it had to have a break here.
Please do comment =]