Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twenty-One

Thunder – Boys Like Girls
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Ryan's POV-

I could hardly sleep that night.

Well, technically, I couldn't sleep.

I could only close my eyes and drift.


That night, I couldn't.

My thoughts were full of her.

As I watched her retreating back, I could sense her burdens weighing heavily on her. It was as though she was going to crack soon, but she was just forcing herself to be whole and strong for her loved ones.

She was strong, truly strong beyond words. To experience the death of her loved ones, the changing of her best friend into her worst enemy... and to take it upon herself the burden of responsibility...

Any normal person would have gone mad.

She however...

Looking at those determined black orbs had made me decide that I wanted to help her. I wanted to protect her somehow. I wanted to help her to overcome the odds.

And this time, she finally wanted to let me help her.

However, it wasn't the decision to help her that had made me lose sleep.

It was the way she had said those words...

"I know you hate me, but please help me."

She thought that I HATEDher.

What did I ever do to make her feel that way?

-Christine's POV-

"How is she?" I muttered under my breath.

Ryan turned slightly towards me, and I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he spoke.

"She's fine. Hades is taking care of her now. He'll be taking her away from human contact, to another country for awhile, so that she'll be able to resist her bloodlust when she comes back."

I sighed softly to myself.

"I told her to contact you once she's settled there."

"Who's Hades?" I asked softly.

"A friend." He said simply. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. I trust him."

I nodded.

I trusted Ryan, and I knew that somehow, he would do the best for Sarah.

I knew that she would be fine.

Ryan would take good care of her.

I felt jealously swirl up from within the depths of my thoughts, and I pushed it away quickly.

It's good that there's someone to help Sarah with her changing. I shouldn't get jealous.

I have no right to.

"Thank you, Ryan." I whispered.

He moved his head a fraction of a nod, as I turned the pages of my Biology textbook.

"7 tonight."

I nodded.