Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twenty-Three

Conductor – We Were Promised Jetpacks
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Ryan's POV-

I could still feel the sting of her slap on my cheeks.

Smart, Ryan.

Real smart.

You really don't deserve to be even near her.

I could still feel her hatred as she glared at me, her eyes misting over with angry tears...

I'm so sorry, Christine.

I had just simply...

Lost it.

Being that close to her... It made me lose my head. I could feel the layers fall away from me, peeling away centuries of loneliness. I could feel the burdens lift from my shoulders as I tightened my grip around her, basking in her presence. She was just so close... Her scent flitted through my nostrils, teasingly; a dusty, foresty, typical werewolf smell that I once hated with all my heart...

But had grown to love.
Still, she smelled a little different though. The scent from other werewolves were pungent and strong... But somehow, beneath that leafy smell, she smelled sweet and appealing.

Hearing her heart beat quicken in response to my touch only encouraged me to continue. It was like a melody that I would never grow sick of. She was warm, soft, her skin smooth and sweet-smelling. She was beautiful, and that wonderful blush flooding her cheeks made me intoxicated.

The only thought in my mind at that moment, was that I wanted her.

I found myself breathing unevenly, found myself afraid, excited, nervous. With all my years on this world, I had never ever felt this way. It was a brand-new experience, and a wonderful, surreal one. And with her blindfolded, the excitement and pleasure seemed to be doubled, and I found myself more daring. Had she not been blindfolded, I would have held back, afraid that I would see the rejection in her eyes.

And when my tongue brushed the skin of her neck and touched her beating pulse...

A single thought crossed my mind.

I'm a vampire. She's a werewolf.

I finally snapped back into consciousness.

"It's easy for a vampire to seduce you. Always be on your guard. Remember, vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies."

Saying that sentence, I could feel myself wishing that I truly believed what I was saying.

From the start, I never hated her.

I had entirely lost what little of my strength to hate her and treat her as an enemy.

And the truth was, I wanted it that way.

-Christine's POV-

I was sprawled over my bed in the darkness, staring at the ceiling. I could feel the tiredness biting into me, but I could hardly sleep a wink.

"Remember, vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies."

His words echoed in my head. I could feel my head pounding painfully as I closed my eyes.

Was there a hidden meaning in his words?

Has he realised that I have fallen for him? Was that why he said that?

I felt a sinking sensation in my stomach.

That's most probably it.

I guess he doesn't like you. He was just trying to break it to you in an easier way.

Or maybe I'm just thinking too deeply into it. Maybe he just wanted to help me understand.

Yea. Right.

I sighed, tossing over to face the wall. I scooted closer against the wall, pressing my cheek against the cool surface. I felt myself relax, and I took a deep breath.

He merely wanted to help, and I had slapped him instead.

If he had used it as a way to reject you, you should be thankful that he didn't break it to you directly.
I pushed the thought away instantly, but I was too late to stop the wave of sorrow flooding through me.

Either way, I should probably apologise.

If he was trying to help me, then he didn't deserve it.

If he was trying to reject me, he didn't deserve it either.

I sighed again.

I turned back again to face the table, where I had placed my cellphone. I stared broodingly at it for awhile before I reached out to touch it...

And the screen suddenly glowed brightly in the darkess.

For a moment, I stared, dazed, at the sudden brightness, before I picked up the call.

