Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twenty-Seven

Fallout - Sofi Bonde
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

I stumbled a little in the hallway, careful not to slip.

The rain was especially heavy today, and the marbled hallway was flooding a little, making it especially slippery.

The cranky janitor was trying to mop up the excess water. He scowled at me as I stepped in from the rain, shaking the rainwater off my body.

“Sorry,” I muttered under my breath. He glared at me. His eyes bulged as a group of students swarmed in from behind me, their raincoats and umbrellas dripping water on the floor.

Poor guy.

I picked my way across the puddles of water that had collected on the floor. I sighed as I caught sign of my locker before…

“Shit!” I cursed as I slipped… I closed my eyes, expecting my head to collide with the floor any moment…

“Gotcha.” I felt an arm supporting my weight, my body pressed tightly against someone’s chest.


My eyes flew open as I gazed into those startling lightning blue eyes.


His eyes sparkled, an amused expression on his face, his dimple dancing on his cheek.

“Clumsy, aren’t we.” He breathed.

I stared back at him, lost for words. His alluring scent drifted teasingly to my nose, and I breathed deeply, taking it in. He tilted his head closer, and he whispered softly into my ear…

“As much as I’ll like to remain in this position,” my breath caught in my throat, “I think…”

His nose brushed the side of my ear.

“…You better stand up now because the whole school is staring at us.” He suddenly grinned impishly.

I flushed, standing up quickly, catching sign of the flabbergasted expression of my schoolmates. I blushed. I didn’t need a mirror to see how red I was, the look on Ryan’s face alone was enough. I stormed over to my locker, angrily turning the lock and pulling my books out. I heard a soft chuckle behind me. I felt myself flush again as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I sighed, before turning to face him.

He was grinning at me.

“What?” I snapped.

“What, no thank you?”

I grimaced.

“Thank you.” I gritted my teeth.

He tilted his head to a side again, his eyes searching my face.


I was getting more annoyed by the minute.

“You look better when you let your hair down.”

I blushed again.

He chuckled.

My heart thudded, an erratic beat. He glanced at me questioningly. I averted his gaze.

“You’re feeling embarrassed aren’t you?”

I glared up at him. I was hardly amused by the situation.

I sighed before turning and heading towards my first class. He fell in step beside me, not saying anything, a small smile on his face.

The silence was a comforting one, and we stopped right outside my classroom. I was unwilling to let him go.

Just a little longer…

“What’s your first class?” I asked casually.


“Isn’t that like… the other side of school? Why are you following me?”

He shrugged. This time, he averted his gaze.

“Is it your turn to be embarrassed now?” I teased.

His eyes scanned mine quickly, an I’m-not-amused expression coloring his eyes, before he looked down.

“I just thought I’ll walk you to class.” He said softly.

My heart fluttered at his words. I stared at him, and it was awhile before he looked up and stared back at me, his lightning blue eyes piercing. I struggled with my emotions, suddenly overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions. Love, hate, anger, pain… I was unable to tear my gaze away from his face. The fierce desire to want more from him, to want him,intensified.

Why must I be a werewolf?

Why must I fall in love with someone who hates my very existence?

The spell was broken by the school bell.

I let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes as I finally managed to look away from him.

“I’ll see you later then.” I forced the words out as I walked into the classroom.

The epiphany I had almost broke my heart.

I would never, ever be able to let him go…

-Ryan’s POV-

I stared, stunned and confused as she turned on her heels and fled.

Had I not been clear enough?

Had I not shown her that I didn’t hate her?

That I cared?

I clenched my fists into balls, trembling with the sudden onslaught of anger and pain that flooded through my veins.

Why had I caused her pain again?

Unless… she didn’t feel the same way about me.

Had I caused her pain because she didn’t know how to react?

...she was too soft-hearted for her own good.

“Mister Black! Why are you still here?”

I swung around, turning face-to-face with Mrs. Greene from French. I caught the frequency of her thoughts as she let out a little gasp of shock.

“His eyes… he seems to be …in so much pain.”

I grimaced.

“Shouldn’t you be in your first class now?” She continued gently, her voice faltering a little.
Her expression softened, a look of pity replacing the once chastising look.

“Poor boy, I wondered what happened…”

I forced a thin smile on my face.

“I’m sorry. I’m on my way now.” I turned hastily, heading down the hallway. I didn’t need to hear any more thoughts from her. I didn’t need anyone else to tell me I was in pain.

I was so steeped in pain, that I could feel nothing else except it.

I was pain itself.