Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twenty-Eight

Down - Jason Walker
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Ryan’s POV-

I stood outside the girl’s restroom, shuffling slightly on my feet. My uneasiness grew as a few girls left the bathroom and giggled slightly when they saw me.

“Ain’t that cute. I wonder who he’s waiting for.”
I caught the frequency of one of the girls’ thoughts as they passed me.

I cringed as I moved myself further away from the door.

This is awkward.
I sighed softly, wishing that I could tear myself away from her for awhile. There was an attraction to her that I couldn’t quite place.

Was this love?
Then again… What was love? Did I love her?

I only knew that I felt strongly for her. I had never felt like this for anyone else before. I wanted to protect her, to care for her. I wanted to be there for her. I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to see her smile, laugh, and to give her my shoulder to cry on when she needed someone. I wanted to be the one to take her pain away, not to give her pain.

I would be there. And I would give her the choice - whether she wanted me to be there.

I closed my eyes, remembering the look of pain on her face this morning. It took all my strength to remain standing outside the restroom, to not run away like a coward.

I couldn’t give her any more pain. She didn’t deserve anymore, especially from me.

“Do you realize that the only person Ryan looks at is that Christine girl? I don’t know what he sees in her, she’s nothing special. ” My eyes shot open at the remark. Frowning, I turned towards the direction of the female toilet, cocking my head to the side as I listened in on the conversation that was taking place in the girls’ toilet.

“I don’t know… I think she’s quite pretty, really.” Another voice cut in.

I could picture the look of scorn on the first person’s face.

“No, I don’t think so. But the way he looks at her is just... I don’t know. Lovesick? I wish he looked at me like that. And the way he smiles at her… it’s just breathtaking.” A soft giggle followed.

“He only smiles at her like that.” The other person agreed. “I think he’s good for her though, she’s awful quiet… he brought her out of her shell. And I think they look really good together.” I smiled. I really like this person.

I heard the soft patter of footsteps, and laughter as the two girls exited from the toilet. I stared, as casually as I could, recognizing the two girls from my Biology class. Mirabel and Amanda. I matched the voices to their names… Mirabel was the first voice I had heard. Amanda was the second. I smiled tentatively at Amanda, and she smiled back, nodding. Mirabel giggled. I almost rolled my eyes.

I watched the two girls leave, frowning slightly at their retreating backs. If an outsider could tell that I was in love with Christine... what about Christine herself? Did she know? And how did Christine feel about me?

I heard a soft sigh, and I turned, my smile widening on its own accord.

The effect you have on me is indescribable…

I think I really love you.

She exited the bathroom with a pained expression on her face, staring broodingly at the floor. Concerned, I walked towards her, stopping in front of her as she looked up at me.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

Her eyes widened in shock.

“Er. Nothing much.”

I frowned.

It definitely wasn’t “nothing”.

I was sure that it had something to do with the conversation that had taken place in the toilet earlier.

I sighed, letting it go, stubborn as she was; she wasn’t going to tell me about it unless she wanted to.

“Would you like to head out over to the cafeteria together?” I asked.

Her black orbs lit up and she smiled; a breathtaking sight. I signed internally, wishing that I could touch her, just stroke her face or touch her lips.

If only…


We turned towards the direction of the cafeteria, and our hands fell against each other. I could almost feel the warmth rolling off her in waves, and her sweet scent; and I sighed, suddenly aware of the distance between us.

So near yet so far…

I shoved my hands down my jeans pocket, afraid that I would do something stupid, like grabbing her hand or hugging her.

“I thought you couldn’t find anything here to eat,” she said. “So why are you heading towards the cafeteria?”

“I thought you might need the company.” I smiled at her.

For a moment, I knew my words had taken her by surprise.

“Oh. Thanks.” I saw the rush of blood as she blushed, staring at her feet.

And I couldn’t stop myself...


She looked up at me and I touched her face gently, holding her chin, my thumb stroking her cheek.

“You’re welcome.”

And she flushed a deeper red, her black orbs wide with surprise. I continued to stroke her cheek, unable to hold myself back. My fingers burnt from her warmth. I couldn’t help it; I had held myself back for too long. I needed this… I needed her…

“I er… I’m going to get some food.” And she fled from my side once again…

I sighed.

If only she felt the same…

If only…
♠ ♠ ♠
I know.
They annoy me too.