Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Twenty-Nine

Do You Know - Someday
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

“Do you know how to kill a vampire, Christine?” He said softly.

We were in his basement again, having one of my training sessions.

I stared back at him, suddenly aware that he had a strange look on his face. A faraway, determined expression.

“Uh. Isn’t it just… tearing him into pieces?”

He nodded, his eyes still vacant and expressionless.

“Have you encountered stronger ones? The faster ones that you simply cannot get your hands on… Not say tear him into pieces.”

I nodded. I gritted my teeth as his face came to my mind again.


“There is another way to kill a vampire.” He continued in a soft voice. “Let me show you.”

Huh? How’s he going to show me? He isn’t going to do anything stupid is he?

My heart leapt into my mouth.

“What… what are you going to do?” I stuttered, my concern evident.

His lightning blue eyes abruptly focused on me, and he smiled.

“Don’t worry,” He breathed.

I nodded, my heartbeat slowing, as his quiet voice soothed my anxiety.

I watched as he closed his eyes, sucking in a breath. He held out a hand below his chin, and exhaled, his lips opening and forming a shape of a ‘O’.

A small, blue pearl floated out of his mouth, and he opened his eyes, smiling at the shocked expression on my face.

“That,” he said, as he held the pearl in his palm, “is my blood essence.”

I stared, transfixed, at the small, floating pearl in his palm. It sparkled, throwing a myriad of colors into the light. It turned slowly on the spot, spinning slowly like a globe. I gaped, awestruck by the beauty of the shimmering pearl.

“The blood essence of a vampire is what gives him abilities. Take it forcibly, and destroy it… and he will be utterly at your mercy.”

“But if a vampire gives it up willingly, he will not die. If you consume it, you will gain his powers, and become stronger. In fact, that is how the next vampire crown prince will ascend the throne. His brothers would give up their blood essence to him and so would the king. This would assure that the next king would be the most powerful vampire.” He held the pearl in his hands, staring broodingly at the pearl.

“What’s your ability?” I asked, curious.

He smiled. He held out his other free hand, beckoning for me to hold my hand out. I felt the air above my hand freeze… before…

He placed a crystal in the shape of a rose in my hand.


“I can control the water element. I suspect that’s why my blood essence takes the color blue. Apart from that, I can read minds… It’s a pity I can’t read all minds… ” His gaze fell upon me, and he stared broodingly at me.

Thank god you can’t read my mind.

I blushed.

“I have a few other abilities too… But that’s not important now.”

“What are your abilities?” He asked.

I shrugged.

“I don’t know yet. My powers haven’t fully developed. I only get my full power on my eighteenth birthday. But now… I have an acute sixth sense. It works when something dangerous is about to happen.”

He nodded.

“The blood essence of a vampire doesn’t always take the form of a pearl. It takes many forms, shapes and sizes. They say that the blood essence of a vampire reflects his soul.” He continued in a quieter voice.

“It’s beautiful.” I smiled at him.

You’re beautiful. Your soul is beautiful.

Those were the words I wanted to say, the words I couldn’t bring myself to tell him.

The powerful intensity of his gaze took me by surprise, and I sucked in my breath, suddenly unable to speak. I couldn’t look away. His gaze wasn’t frightening, it was mesmerizing. The grayish blue within those lightning blue orbs held my gaze, and I could hardly fight the strong urge to stroke his face, to touch him…

It was killing me from the inside, everyday, knowing that we could never be together.

“Thank you.” He smiled, a little bashfully. Then he hesitated before he said…

“Would you like to hold it?”


He raised his eyebrows.

“Do you see anyone else in this room?” He teased.

“You trust me that much?”

“I would trust you with my life.” He said softly.

I was struck by the way he said it. My heart fluttered.

“How do I…”

“Palm up.” He instructed.

I turned my palm, facing it upwards, as he held his own palm above my own, before tilting it slightly. The pearl floated downwards. I felt the warmth the pearl radiated, as it suddenly grew brighter, more beautiful.

I shot a questioning look at Ryan, but his gaze remained fixed on the pearl as it spun, humming gently. He smiled, a dimple softly gracing his right cheek.

“I should have known…” he muttered.

“Known what?”

He shook his head slightly, his grin growing wider. He refused to look at me.

I mock-glared at him, before turning my attention back to the shimmering pearl.

It was as beautiful as he was.

-Ryan’s POV-

I chuckled softly.

If my dead heart could beat, it would be beating wildly right now. It would be soaring, fluttering…

I was overjoyed.

Thrilled beyond words.

I stared at the humming pearl, unable to stop the silly grin that had spread on my face.

Thankfully, Christine hadn’t seen the idiotic smirk on my face.

Otherwise, surely, she would demand the reason behind why my blood essence suddenly grew brighter, more brilliant, and more beautiful. Why it suddenly radiated warmth, happiness.

There was only one beautiful reason behind it.

It had found my one true soul mate.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you go "Awwww"?
I know I did.
I have 70 readers, 17 subscribers.
Where did i go wrong for such a great disparity?
Please do tell me if my story sucks, I don't mind really.
I wanna improve for you guys!

And for the comments I've received so far...
Thank you so much.
I love you all (:
you're the reason why i'm updating each time
*big hug*