Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Thirty-One

Avenger - Immediate Music
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

I made my way closer to the vampires, thankful that there was no wind.

There were three of them.

I was outnumbered.

I had to survey the situation first.

I cursed softly under my breath as I realized that the vampires had a human with them, a girl of my age. She was shivering with fright, pleading with them to let her go. The shortest vampire was holding her by her neck against the wall, and she was gasping for air.

“Please,” she sobbed, “Let me go!”

The three vampires paid no attention to her pleas.

“Suck her blood!” Another vampire hissed, shoving the last vampire against the wall. He pushed him next to the girl as she struggled to escape from the grasp of the short vampire. “We didn’t turn you to become a fucking pansy!”

The new vampire gasped as he was shoved near the girl. It was pure agony for him, I could tell. I watched his midnight blue eyes widen with fear and hunger as he stumbled away from the girl.

“I would never.” He growled.

I was surprised. This was the first vampire I had seen, who refused human blood, apart from Ryan and Sarah.

Looks like he’s on my side… That leaves two for me to handle.

The shorter vampire tightened his grip on the girl’s neck, lifting her off the ground. She spluttered, kicking out in thin air, her fingers tugging uselessly at the iron gasp of her captor.

“Do it. Or I will break her fingers.” He snapped. “One by one. Starting from… this one.” Keeping one hand around her neck, his other hand grabbed the girl’s fingers and he held on to her little finger. He glanced at the new vampire.

“No, please…” the girl choked out. “Please.. no…”

She let out a scream as the vampire broke her finger. The sickening crack resonated throughout the alleyway. I winced, and I gritted my teeth as I watched.

“I think… when I break all her fingers… I’ll break her legs next. Then maybe after that, I’ll twist her neck. What do you think, Linus?” The shorter vampire asked the taller one conversationally.

Fuck this. Fuck waiting.

I morphed, heading straight for the vampires. I tackled the shorter one, shoving my entire weight on him. He shrieked, and he dropped the girl as he fell onto the ground. My weight on his chest seemed to daze him, and before he could do anything else, I tore his head off, shredding the rest of his body to bits.

I heard a howl of fury behind me, presumably Linus. I howled, turning quickly around as I felt his arms coming through the air…

His head exploded in mid-air as I watched, slightly dazed, before my mind put into place what had just happened. The new vampire had kicked him through the back of the head. I watched as bits of what appeared to be his brain and blood drenched and splattered on my body. I growled, and proceeded to tear apart what remained of Linus into pieces.

I heard a terrified shriek from behind me as the girl stared, horrified, at the both of us.

I morphed into my human form, grabbing her by the shoulders before she could flee.

“Listen to me,” I whispered urgently. “You cannot tell anyone else what has happened here, do you understand? Your life will be in danger. Do you understand me?” I shook her slightly, as she stared, a petrified expression on her face. “Do you understand?”

“Monsters! Stay away from me!” She screamed, pushing me away. I flinched at the impact of her words as she turned, fleeing from the alleyway.

“Fuck. This is bad.” I muttered under my breath.

“Don’t worry.” I turned at the sound of his voice. I couldn’t help but notice how soft and reassuring his voice was. The vampire came towards me, standing beside me. His silver-blonde hair fell haphazardly on his face, messily. The wind blew his scent across to me, and ruffled his hair. He was handsome, undeniably so, and his midnight blue eyes were soft, the shades of golden in them comforting. The first thing I noticed about him close-up, was how sad his eyes were. They were so sad… it was as though he had been through a lot, and he had seen a lot. “Don’t worry,” he repeated under his breath.

His midnight blue eyes flashed, as it slowly turned a mesmerizing golden. I stared, dazed. He kept his glance on the fleeing girl, and she suddenly collapsed in the middle of the alley.

I gasped.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” I shoved him, hissing.

“I erased her memory.” He whispered, his midnight blue eyes confused and wide, as though stunned by what he had done himself.

I ran to her side, my footsteps echoing throughout the alleyway, desperately checking for a pulse. It was still there.

“How did you know about your ability...? Didn’t you just turn?”

He stood still, far away from the both of us.

“I don’t know.” He whispered. “Instinct, I suppose. Please take her away… I can’t fight my thirst for that long. I don’t want to be a monster.”

I cast a glance at the unconscious girl.

“Stay here, do you understand? Don’t go anywhere. If you hurt anyone I’ll personally hunt you down and kill you.” I growled.

He nodded, falling to his feet, suddenly weak, his midnight blue eyes anguished and in pain.

In that instant, I regretted the harshness of my words. He had done nothing wrong, he had helped me… saved me even, and yet… I was treating him as though he was a monster.

I hesitated before I walked back to him, bending down and looking at him at eye-level. He looked up at me, his midnight blue eyes sorrowful. I reached out, holding his hand in mine. I bit back a gasp. The iciness of his hand was almost shocking.

“I’m sorry. I was too harsh. Don’t worry. It’ll be alright.” I squeezed his hand gently, hoping that my warmth would comfort him. “I have a friend who just turned too. Trust me, you’ll be fine. We’ll help you through this…”

“We…?” he echoed.

“Yes, my friends and I. My name is Christine. Stay here, ok? I’ll be right back.”

I carried the girl on my back, shifting her weight slightly so that I would not drop her halfway.


I turned back towards the vampire.

“I’m Jamier.” And he hesitated for a moment, before he smiled, a breathtaking, heartbreaking smile.

I nodded, and ran.