Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Thirty-Three

Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV -

I stood beside Ryan’s car, waiting for him to get back.

I sighed heavily, sniffing at my hoodie with disdain. It stank.
I groaned internally.

It was my favourite one, and the amount of blood that had gotten onto it had basically as good as destroyed it.

“Bye bye my love…” I muttered gloomily.

I pulled off the jacket, unable to take the stench anymore, tossing it into a trashcan. I mentally thanked god that the bloodstains on the black hoodie would not be obvious, if anyone was nosy enough to peer into Ryan’s trashcan.

I pondered about it. There probably was someone who did that, considering his insane good looks and charisma. He probably had people who stalked him. I did suspect the presence of a fan-club in the school. Considering what I had heard in the toilet today, I suspect I was pretty much envied and hated on by many girls in the school.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there were guys in the fan club too.

I grinned to myself.

But how could anyone think that I was with him?

As if I was any good for him.

I grimaced as I jammed my hands into my jeans. I regretted throwing away my hoodie already. At least it kept me warm.

“Where’s your jacket?” I spun around, smacking right into Ryan’s muscular chest. I staggered backwards, slightly dazed. He looked bemused at my expression, and the sides of his lips twitched into a smile. My breathing hitched, my heart sputtering spastically as I took in his soothing, metallic scent. It was so absorbing and alluring… I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh, feeling myself relax. Whatever anxiety, worry that I had earlier faded quickly away.

Nothing else was important.

He was.
“I…I threw it away.”

“Why?” His voice took on a disapproving tone.

“It stank like hell. And besides, it’s so badly stained; I don’t think I can wash it out. And I don’t appreciate the fact that there are bits of brain on it as well.”

He shot me a disparaging look before he began to shrug out of his own blue jacket. His expression darkened before I could open my mouth to say anything, as though daring me to try to stop him, and I bit back my protest.

“Here you go,” he said gently, as he held out the jacket.

“Thanks.” I said awkwardly, as I pushed my hands through the sleeves of the jacket. It was, as expected, too large for me, so I rolled up the sleeves of the jacket. I could feel his eyes watching me as I delicately folded the sleeves up. I felt myself growing redder by the minute.

“Stop staring at me,” I hissed. His brilliant blue eyes sparkled playfully at my words, but he didn’t say anything.

I sighed.

“Oh. You wanted to tell me something?” I prodded.

“Oh yes.” His blue eyes flashed dangerously, his face hardening.

I glanced at him.

I swear this guy’s bipolar. His mood swings are horrifying today.

“Have you any idea how worried I was when I received your phone call?” His lightning blue eyes were suddenly livid. He pursed his lips as his tall, lean frame began to quake with anger.

“Uhm.. I’m sorry…?” I stuttered, slightly confused, as I stepped away from him.

“Really, Christine, that was really stupid of you! What if Jamier hadn’t been there? Worse still, what if he had been on their side instead? You could have gotten yourself killed!” He growled. I nervously backed further away from him as he advanced on me, his fury growing with every step he took.

“And you were too trusting with Jamier! Didn’t you realize how vulnerable you made yourself back then?” I felt my back hit a wall.


“But… but you read his mind didn’t you? I just felt that he was trustworthy… He seemed really... pure...” I stammered.

I winced as he continued to yell at me.

“Yes, but Jamier could have been a good manipulator! We have our ways! Seriously, I don’t know what I should do with you! Can’t you make yourself less of a burden? Can’t you let me worry less about you? I absolutely refuse to babysit the next vampire you meet and pity!” He slammed his fist into the wall, and I gasped as ice shot out of his fist, covering the cracks in a thick sheet.

Shocked, I gaped at him, as he huffed, pulling his fist out of the wall. The ice melted at once. He quickly pulverized the fist-like gap, making it seem less obvious that someone with superhuman strength had punched through the wall.

He surveyed me critically, his anger still very much evident.

“I didn’t know you felt that way.” I choked out.

His lightning-blue eyes abruptly softened.

“Christine… I didn’t…”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t mean it… I know you did.” I snapped. My breath caught as he stared at me with an agonized look on his face. I didn’t want him to feel guilty about it; I didn’t want him to be in pain. It tore me up inside, knowing that I had caused him grief.

My heart beat painfully, and I felt myself wince at the searing ache that simmered like poison through my body. I felt as though my heart had been ripped into shreds.

“I shall go then. I won’t burden you anymore.” I pushed him away.

His hand entwined around mine as he tried to hold me back. I struggled, and his grip tightened as he held me closer, his arms snaking around my waist. My skin burned at his touch, my heart ached at his proximity. I held back a sob.

If only your heart was mine…

“Christine, listen, I…”

“Please let me go, Ryan.” I whispered softly. I didn’t look at him… I knew that I would start crying once I looked at him. “I don’t think I can take anymore of… this…” I stopped before I could say anymore.

This heartache…

Wordlessly, he released his grasp on me.

And I ran.