Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Three

We Were Sparkling - My Brightest Diamond
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Christine's POV-

I practically ran out of the classroom when the bell rang for the end of Biology.

I need air. Now.

I know.

He's hot isn't he. Those blue eyes... *giggles*



When Mrs. Anderson assigned him the seat next to me, I could have died right on the spot. He had reached over and introduced himself officially to me. With 15 pairs of eyes staring at us, it was hard to reject his handshake.

Though I badly wanted to bite him for smirking at me.

I had pictured it.

Tearing him from limb to limb.


It would have wiped the smirk off his face.

I grinned to myself.

And probably scared the hell out of your classmates too.

I sighed heavily.

If only looks could kill. I knew mine would have killed him at least a 1000 over times.

I could tell that he was pleased that he was making me embarrassed. Afterall. The hatred between the werewolves and the vampires has existed ever since god knows when. He must have enjoyed seeing the tortured expression on my face.

God. He's such a jerk.

Still. I was surprised how fast I was to warm up to him. To ask such a question..."Is that why your eyes are blue?" That question seemed so... Personal?

I cringed as I remembered his expression. He must have thought I was strange or that I was hitting on him!

What the hell was I thinking?

I snorted at my own stupidity. As if I wanted to get to know him better.

Don't deny it. You like him.

I do NOT like him in THAT way. He's alright I guess. For a vampire.

Somehow. He smells...strange. So I guess he isn't a bloodsucker like the rest.

But he also smells... Familiar. Comforting.

I don't know why I feel... Safe?

That's strange.

And to think vampires are my enemies... I never really thought I would feel... Okay? With one of them... I mean I hate vampires. But the degree of hate for this one was slightly lower. I never really got to "interact" with another vampire for more than 5 minutes...they usually wound up dead at my feet.

But then again, they didn't usually show up in my classroom either.

I snorted.

I was, as usual, playing with a strand of my hair as I made my way to the usual place where I could think properly. And which probably had better air than the classroom I was in earlier.

It was a place I had chanced upon while wandering about the school compounds. Secluded, in the middle of the trees, was a small clearing.

It was a place where I could be what I was. Where I never had to pretend to be normal 17 year old. I sat down against a tree trunk and sighed.

"One place I never have to pretend that I'm not who I really am..." I whispered. I looked up and stared dreamily at the sky. It was almost a miracle that today was a clear, blue sunny day. Maybe it would have been normal elsewhere, but in Forks, it was something as rare as a meteor shower. Or maybe dinosaurs. I closed my eyes, as I felt a small breeze gently brush my cheeks.

"I miss you, Dad..."


"COE of HEARTLANDS SINGAPORE, Richard Yang Wenhui dies in a car crash..."

I was staring at the television. The 9 o clock news was reporting my father's death as the phone in the living room rang continuously.

Probably some reporter wanting to find out how his 15-year-old daughter felt about his death.

I imagined picking the phone up and yelling FUCK YOU! into the receiver.

I laughed bitterly to myself at the thought. I curled up in my bed, trying to make myself as small as possible.

Maybe then I wouldn't feel as though my heart had been shattered.

Maybe then I would just fade away with the pain.

I didn't want to think.

Why me?

Why Dad?

I began to cry. The answering machine picked up.

"Hi this is Richard Yang! My daughter, Christine and I are currently not at home right now so please leave a message and we'll get back to you ASAP."

I sobbed even harder into my pillow as I thought how I would never be able to hear his voice again.

"Christine? Christine? Are you there? Pick up the phone dear..."

My mother's panicked voice resonated through the house.

"It will never be the same again." I whispered to myself.


"I love you, Dad." I whispered as a single tear rolled down my cheek.