Sequel: Indestructible
Status: - in progress -

When Night Falls

When Night Falls Chapter Four

Beauty of The Dark - Mads Langer
It would be good if you would listen to this while reading this chapter. (: Thanks

-Ryan's POV-

Night comes and goes.

Everyday passes. Time - a long and never ending race.

Mundane, unbearable...painful.

Pain never ends.

It just continues to worsen.

A dull aching sensation that never ceases.

Every second, weighing heavily down on my silent heart...

Time never runs out.

Time never ends...

Just like my life.

When night falls.

I become more aware of WHAT I really am.

I never wanted to be a vampire.

I wasn't given the choice either.

Racing down the road in my car, I pinched the top of my nose with my fingers, squeezing my eyes shut.

All I could feel was darkness.

There was no way out of this life.

I couldn't quit this game like normal people could.

I had to live on.

With my mistakes, with my life.

There was no way to end it.

The streetlamps were lit, illuminating the darkness.

Mocking me.

I stopped the car by the side of the road, without knowing where I was, and stepped out, breathing in the cool night air.

Glancing around, I realized that I had pulled up beside a dark alleyway.

How ironic.

I snorted.

Vampires roaming the darkness of the night in alleyways.

I wonder who had come up with that idea.

How stupid.

"Mister... you don't know what you're in for."

I turned towards the direction of the voice, and frowned.

That voice sounded familiar.

-Christine's POV-

"Mister... you don't know what you're in for." I said calmly.

Some guy had followed me down into the alleyway when I was following a vampire track.

No prizes for guessing what he wanted to do.

I was too busy looking out for vampires to be bothered with a human.

My mistake.

Was I going to hurt this guy?

He stared at me, chuckling.

"Now lady...what can you possibly do to me? On the other hand... what I can do to you is..."

He trailed off, his dark eyes wandering down my body.


This guy totally deserves what I'm going to do to him.

I prepared myself to throw him through the wall.

Maybe castrate him for good measure.

"Christine! Where are you?"

Someone came running into view, and before I could see who it was, he had thrown himself at me, hugging me.

"THERE YOU ARE! I was SO worried about YOU, DEAR!"

Disorientated, I tried to pull myself away.

Mr. Anonymous pulled me closer, continuing to gush about how worried he was.

Like shit. Who's this guy? And why the hell did he HUG ME?

"Who the hell..." I stopped when I realized who it was.

It was Ryan Black.

-Ryan's POV-

This was so fun.

I watched her expression change from confusion to shock to embarrassment to anger in a matter of seconds.


I turned away from her, and watched the man slink off into the darkness, trying to appear inconspicuous.

"You're welcome." I rolled my eyes at her. "Is that the way you should thank your savior?"

I was enjoying every moment of her reaction.

I never realised that werewolves were so amusing to watch.

"Taking advantage of me is SAVING ME??" She screeched, poking her finger into my chest. "I'm perfectly capable of saving myself!"

"I know that." I grinned at her. "I was trying to save that poor guy."

"Save him? He wanted to rape me, you asshole."

"Well...Don't you think that if you had thrown that guy through the wall, it would make it a teeny weeny bit obvious that you're not human? Correct me if I'm wrong." I smirked at her.

She flinched.

I chuckled.

Seeing no response from her, i shrugged, and tucked my hands into my pockets before turning to walk away.

"Thank you...for stopping me." She blurted out from behind me.

I froze.

I hadn't expected this amount of civility from a werewolf.

I turned back, watching her. Under the pallid gleam of the moonlight, her black hair was waving gently in the wind that had blown into the alley. Her black eyes were sincere. She was smiling slightly, a little unsure of herself.

She was beautiful.

It was a sight that I knew that I would never ever forget.

I hesitated before breaking into a smile. Then I walked back to my car before driving away into the night.