
It Just Gets Worse And Worse

My eyes shot open when I heard my phone go off. I was on the floor. I don’t really remember what happened.

I picked up the phone.


“Kelsey, Its Jake. Why didn’t you answer? I called you a hundred times.”

“Sorry. I had a rough night. What’d you call for?

“Just wondering if you’re coming to school and if you need another fix?”

Something hit my like a fist. My face started to sting on one side and my stomached ached. I groaned in pain. I remembered Brian beating me up, and the needles.

“Hey Kelsey! You okay?”

I snapped back into reality and picked up the phone with my shaky hands.

“Yeah I’m fine, just tired. I...I’m coming...to school. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

“Ok, bye.”

I hung up the phone. I really didn’t want to go to school, but I had to go. I couldn’t just skip everyday. I got up from the floor and searched my drawers fro clothes. I grabbed some dark skinny jeans, black bra and panties, a red tube tope, and a white DC sweater.

I covered up the mark on my face with lots of cover up. I wiped off my old makeup and applied a small touch of eyeliner. I grabbed my bag and stuffed all my books in it. I swung it over my shoulder. I crept down the stairs and out the door quietly so my parents wouldn’t know I’m late.


Art class. I get a triple threat of Brian, Matt, and Becka. She glared at me and sat across the room. She had found herself some new friends. They looked like bitches, they sounded like bitches, and they were bitches!

Brian and Mat sat on either sides of me. Brian looked at me and chuckled.

“How’s your face? Still hurt?” He hissed.

I didn’t even turn to face him. I just ignored them both the best I could. I felt a sharp pain on my side. Matt was squeezing my ribs. I broke my pencil from clenching my hand to tight. I tried my best not to scream.

“He was talking to you.” Matt growled.

“Fuck you guys, I’m not putting up with this bull shit.” I spat.

When the bell for lunch rang, I ran into the bathroom. The only place I was safe, well that’s what I thought. I went and sat on the counter and held me head in my hands. I was going to get it now. They both are going to kill me.

I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Becka and her bitches. She glared and walked up to me.

“Well, well. It’s the big druggie whore. Zacky’s got a special offer for you one needle for a blowjob. Sounded like you type of thing.” She laughed.

I clenched my fist and attacked her. I grabbed her by the hair and smashed her face into the stall. Her friends pulled me off and threw me to the ground. They began kicking me. I tired to protect me stomach, But Becka turned me over and stomped down on it. I screamed in agony and felt my insides burning.

I choked and gasped for air. I started coughing till I started to hack up blood. They turned pale and ran out of the bathroom. I cried softly and screamed as loud as I could. My screams drowned out all other noise. My head hit the ground and I felt the darkness swallow me.