In Silence It Hurts More

Chapter 1

"Hayley, Wait Up!" I shouted to get her attention as I walked faster trying to catch her.

"Gee!" She waved at me with a wide smile.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hey, Gee." She greeted back.

"I see someone excited to go back to school." I smirked and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"I don't think I am. I'm just happy to see you here." She smiled and placed her arm around my waist.

"Happy to see me? Hayley, we see each other almost every week." I said letting out a small giggle.

"'s not the same as seeing you here...all neat..and clean..and not to from sweat!" She finished proudly.

"Ha..ha..very funny, Hayley." I said pretending to be mocked.

"It's true! Well, I'll see you later. I still need to look for my first class." She smiled, gave me a light hug and waved goodbye.

"See ya later!" I waved.

I walked through the empty corridors trying to find my first class. And besides that, there is still something else inside my head....Hayley. Ever since the day we met, and that would be two years ago, I developed quite a crush on her. And now, I don’t think it’s just a crush anymore. It’s limerence. How I wish we could be more than friends. Problem is I’m such a coward that I can’t even confess my true feelings for her.

“I’m such a jerk.” I said to myself slightly shaking my head. Trying to forget about my thoughts of her, I tried to concentrate on looking for my first class.

"Math...Math..where are you?" I muttered.

Finally! I found it! I'm here.

"Mr. Way?" The teacher looked at me in the eye.

"Yes sir." I answered.
"I'm Mr. Johnson, your Math teacher.” He introduced himself. “Please go and look for an empty seat. The class is almost starting." He told me immediately.

"Yes sir." I nodded and started looking for an empty seat. I saw Frank at the back of the room and he saved a seat for me.

"Hey, Gerard." He greeted.

"Hey, Frank." I greeted and he smirked.

"Oh..have you seen Hayley?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was just talking to her." I answered him.

"Why won’t you tell her?" He then asked again. I’m not quite sure where that came from, though.

"Tell her what exactly?" I asked to assure I was thinking the same thing.

"You know..." He answered.

"Oh..." I nodded slightly. I guess I was thinking the same thing after all.

"Yeah, why won’t you?" He asked me again. I just blinked a couple of times not answering his question.

"Why won’t you tell her?" He somewhat repeated the question.

"’Cause." I answered not sure what to say next.

"What?!" His eyes got bigger.

"I can't..." I told him lowering my head.

"Why not?" He somehow calmed down and faced me.

"I don't know Frank…" I sighed.

"I don't think she feels the same way for me and I'm afraid to tell her I like her. There, happy!" I sort of raised my voice at Frank which somehow caught our teacher’s attention.

"Mr. Way and Mr. Iero. We have a class going on here. If you're not interested in our lesson, you might as well go out!" He said in an angry tone pointing the door.

"We're sorry Mr. Johnson." We both apologized lowering our heads.
“Great. First day as seniors in high school and we get instant embarrassment.” I scoffed under my breath.

"You won't know 'til you tell her..." Frank whispered in my ear.
‘You won't know 'til you tell her....You won’t know 'til you tell her...’ I kept running in my head. Call me crazy but I really can’t get it out of my head. Damn! Do I really have to tell her? What if she doesn’t like me back? What if I’ll just end up embarrassing myself infront of her? Damn it! Why do I have to fall for my best friend anyway?