In Silence It Hurts More

Chapter 2

*bell ringing*

Finally! The bell rang. At last, lunch time!

"Frank..." I gave him a little shake.

"Frank!" I then, shouted in his ear.

"What?! Is the class over?" He sat bolt upright with a big question mark on his face.

"Yeah. And thank God Mr. Johnson didn't catch you drooling." I smirked letting out a small giggle.

"You can't blame me...Math's too boring." He yawned.

"You said it right, Frankie! C'mon. Get up. It's time for lunch." I told him picking up my stuff and slinging my bag on my shoulder.

"Yeah...oh and your phone just beeped." Frank told me gesturing at my pocket.

"It's a message from Mikey. He said they're already at the cafeteria." I told him and turned around to see Hayley waving at us just outside our room.

"Hey guys!” She greeted coming in into our room.

“Mikey text messaged me and said they’re already at the cafeteria waiting for us.” She said and sat down beside Frankie who was still busy stuffing all his stuff into his bag.

"We know!" I said.

"Get the move on then slowpokes!" She smirked.

"Just wait a sec 'kay. Frank just got a little snooze and he’s not yet done fixing his stuff.” I told her.
"Evident much." She raised her head with a smile.
"I can't find my book!" Frank exclaimed looking around frantically to find his book.
"It's here Frankie!" I said and took his book from on top of his desk.

"Whoa! How did it get there?" Frank’s eyes got bigger as he gazed at his Math book on my hand.

"It has always been there you dumbass." I smirked handing him his Math book.

"Let's get movin' guys!" Hayley grasped Frank's and my wrist pulling us outside the room.

[Time Elapse]

"Hey guys! Over here!" Mikey shouted waving at us just a few meters away just as we got in the cafeteria.

"Hey Mikes!" Hayley shouted back.

We made it to their table and sat down placing all our stuff down, too.

"So how's your first day?" Ray started.
"Boring," Frank yawned.

"Yeah he fell asleep in Math." I snorted.

"You’re not the only one. I fell asleep in History, too." Bob smirked.
"What's wrong with you guys? Can't you stay in school without sleeping?" Hayley asked cocking her right eyebrow.

"We're not like you 'kay." Bob answered.
"I have my reasons.” Hayley smiled but not at us. She was looking at somebody else.
This gave me a pretty heavy feeling inside but I just shook my head trying to get rid of that feeling.

"Uhm…guys I'm going to get lunch. Anyone coming?" I asked as I stood up.

"I am. I'm getting pretty hungry." Hayley said standing up just after I did.
"Come on, then!" I smiled. A fake smile probably due to this feeling I have inside which I can’t friggin’ get rid of.

As we were walking I looked at Hayley but like before she was staring at somebody else again. Who could he be?
"Hay," I said to get her attention.

"Huh? What?" She flashed me a frightened look.

"Did I scare you? Who are you looking at?" I simultaneously asked.

"Uhmm…nobody," She answered innocently.

"You could tell me. I mean were friends, right?" I assured her which I presume she’d tell me who she’s staring at or whatever after.

"Yeah" She just nodded as I flashed an unsatisfied look.

"So who are you looking at?" I asked.
"Just looking around, Gee." She answered me which still didn’t satisfy me.

"You’re not new here." I gave her a puzzled look but she just smiled back. I don’t like the looks of this.

After we got our food from the counter, we headed back to our table and started munching down on our food.

"I'm done. I'm off to Art class." I announced.
"Art class? It's my next class too. Wait I'll come with you." Hayley told me as she stood up and picked up all her stuff.

"Hurry up." I said in a straight tone.

"What's wrong?" She gave me a puzzled look.

I just shook my head made my way out of the cafeteria.

"Wait! Gerard!" She ran as fast as she could to catch me.

"Are you mad at me?" She questioned me.

"Why should I be?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why should you?" She gave me a weak smile.

We made it to Art class. Almost everybody was there but the teacher is still out. I started to look for an empty seat and I found two at the back and it's pretty obvious that Hayley would be sitting next to me. Well, it's not that I don't want her to. It's just that...ugh!! I don't know! I can't understand my feelings right now.

We waited for our teacher and the rest of the class in silence. We barely even talked.
"Good Afternoon class." A voice came from outside the room. Then someone came in. Mrs. Adams, our Art teacher.
"Well, class, this is our first day in Art Class and you might me wondering what we will do.... " He then started.

“Yeah whatever you say dickhead. Whatever you say.” I scoffed under my breath.

I wasn't really listening to our teacher; I was busy staring at Hayley who was again staring at someone which is now evident who is and which is now feasible that she likes that guy. Who wouldn’t? Every girl in this school is swooning over him. Who wouldn’t kill to be together with this popular jock, Kevin Harrison?