In Silence It Hurts More

Chapter 3

"Gee! Over here!" Frank shouted as he waved at me infront of the school gates. We’re already dismissed, that’s why.

"Where's Mikey?" I asked noticing that there were only four of them including Hayley.

"Mikey went home earlier." Frank answered.

"I better get going, then." Ray said in a hurry saying his goodbyes.

"Me, too. I got tons of homework to finish." Bob also said saying his goodbyes.

"So it's just the three of us left." I said.

"Yeah. C'mon. We better get going." Frank replied.

We started walking when Frank began to question Hayley, "Why are you so quiet?"

"I'm not. I'm just not in the mood to talk right now?" She answered.

"Oh. And why not?" I asked teasingly.

"Stop, Gee!" She said with a light smile.

"Oh. I see a smile there!" Frank laughed.

"Is this enough to prove I'm okay?" She let out a small giggle.

"Yeah! Now I could do this!" Frank exclaimed placing his arm around Hayley's shoulders heavily."

"Get your arm off me. Now you’re making me 'not okay'." She retorted but still let out a giggle in the end.
"Yeah. Give her some space." I said placing my hand over her head and messing up her hair."

"Gee! Stop messing up my hair!" She shouted.

"Oh. I thought you like your hair messed up." I laughed.

"Not in public." She said running her hand through strands of her messed up hair.

"So Starbucks isn't that ‘public’ enough for you?" I retorted.

"Very funny, Gee." She smiled at me slightly shaking her head.

"Uhmm. Hey Frank, we already skipped your house." Hayley added which made me laugh.

"What the f*ck?" Frank looked behind us seeing that we were already meters away from their house.

"Bye Guys!" Frank waved at us and hurriedly ran back to their house.

"I'll walk you home." I told Hayley as I got closer to her.

"Sure." She replied

"So why were you so quiet during Art class?" She suddenly asked.

Oh my god. I didn't see this coming. I can't tell her the truth. I can't tell her that I was jealous of her having a crush on Kevin. Well, that's what I think. I think she has a crush on him and I'm fuckin' jealous about it. I can't I just can't tell her that.

"Uhm...well." My voice trembled as I spoke.

"I've got nothing much too say at that time." I forced the words out.

"You've always got a lot to say." She said.

"Not that time." I replied.
"Oh wait. We’re here!" I shouted sorta relieved ‘cause of the fact that we didn’t get to finish that dreaded conversation.
"Thanks for walking me home, Gee." She smiled and gave me a light hug before waving goodbye.

"Bye Hay." I waved.

"Bye." She waved back.
"Best friend?" I keep asking myself on the way home.

“She’s just my best friend.” I repeated it to myself.

Why can't I have the guts to tell her? Why can't I let her know I like her? I wanted us not to be just friends. I want us to be more than that. But I can't seem to have the guts to tell her. Maybe it's the fear of rejection. What if she doesn't like me back...what if...God! Can't take it anymore!