In Silence It Hurts More

Chapter 4

Hayley's POV

Yes! Friday night at last! The guys will have a band practice tonight at Gerard's and we're all staying over ‘cause Gerard's parents are out this weekend. Now that's how to celebrate the end of the first week of school.

"Mom! I'm going!" I shouted as I went down the stairs.

"Sure Honey. You sure I don't need to drive you off?"

"No thanks mom, I'll walk." I replied.

"See you Sunday, Rach." I looked at my sister before going out the door.

I stepped out of our house to the cold streets of New Jersey. I started walking as I turned my head to every house I pass by as if I was new in the city.

Here I am. Infront of their house. I could here Frank's loud shouts as if he was fighting with someone. The television was set to full volume. The sound of the strumming of a guitar accompanied Frank's loud shouts and the noise the television is making.

“That’s probably Ray.” I said to myself as I headed to their front door.

"Hayley! You made it!" Gerard practically shouted at my face ‘cause of the noise the others are making.

"Are you throwing a party without me?" I smirked

"Just plain band practice." He replied with a smile stepping aside to give me space to get in.

I looked around. Not much of a band practice if you ask me. Gerard is there standing next to me. Frank and Mikey are at the couch fighting over the remote control and they didn't even notice they already set the television to full volume. Ray is at the corner of the room strumming his guitar absently and Bob is nowhere to be found.

"Where's Bob?" I asked Gerard

"At the basement looking for his drumsticks." He answered instantly.
"Oh." I nodded.

"So, aren't you starting yet?" I asked again.

"Now that you're here, yeah!" Gerard exclaimed shutting the door behind us.

"I think no one even noticed I'm here." I giggled.

"Then I'll let them know. Watch. QUIET!" he shouted.



"Hayley!!" They all answered simultaneously.

"Hayley! Why didn't you tell us you were here?" Frank asked.

"You were too busy fighting over the remote control to even notice me." I smiled.

"C'mon guys lets go to the basement. Hayley's here." Ray said standing up and making his way to the basement."

"We might as well follow. C'mon guys." Gerard said

Mikey and Frank started walking. Gerard and I just stood there as we watched them go down.
"Race you there!" I challenged.

We started running and made our way to the basement door. We both got there at the same time and got stuck at the door. I got out first because my body was smaller.

"Hah! I beat you again!" I poked my tongue out childishly. This is how we always do it. It’s like our routine every band practice.

"No fair!" Gerard whined like a three year old.

"Let's get started guys." Frank said in a straight tone.

"Someone's too serious today huh Frank." Gerard said jokingly.
"And besides Bob hasn't found his drumsticks yet." He added

"Yes I did. It's under the couch. I wonder how it got there." Bob said as he turned his head to Mikey and Frank.

"Ruuun Frankie!" Mikey shouted.

"He'll kill us!" Frank shouted.

That's how band practice always starts. Frank and Mikey hides Bob's drumsticks and then Bob looks for it. Then after Bob found it, the chase begins. Told you band practice is routined.

"Bryar will kill us!" They both shouted.

"Come back here!" Gerard shouted at the three of them.

"Why can't you guys get along with each other?" Gerard asked.

"Let's start." Mikey said avoiding Gee’s question.

"Yeah, so Hayley, what do you want to listen to first?" Gerard asked.

"Skylines and Turnstiles." I replied. It has always been my favorite song of theirs.

"Skylines and Turnstiles it is!" Gerard announced.

Ray started to play his guitar. Gerard closed his eyes and held the microphone with both his hands. Then, His voice started to fill in the room. It’s amazing how he pours all his heart and soul into their songs.

"You're not in this alone
Let me break this awkward silence."
he sang.

I’ve always loved this song. In fact, I love all they're songs. They're a great band. And if they made it big someday, I'll be the first in line for their album. SWEAR.

I listened to the whole song and I didn't even notice it was already finished. I love it!

Gerard's POV

While singing I stared at Hayley as she sat back and listened. She looked so innocent that way. Not to mention, pretty. No. She’s always pretty.

"Okay, the next is Demolition Lovers." I announced to inform everybody
Ray started to play his guitar as I got ready.

"Hand in mine into your icy blues
And then i'd say to you we could take to the highway
With this trunk of ammunition too
I’d end my days with you in a hail of bullets."
I started to sing.

I closed my eyes and saw Hayley's face in my head. She may not be the prettiest girl but for me, she's the best creation God has ever made. I love her but I can't seem to tell her that. Why am I so afraid? What the fuck is wrong with me?

The band practice went on. After an hour and couple of minutes, we already finished practicing. That was it. I must say, we’re getting a lot better now.

"Hey guys…" Ray yawned.

"Sleepy?" Bob asked.

"Yeah, so Gerard, where are we staying?" Ray then turned to me.

"Mikey's.." I replied.

"How about Bob?" Mikey asked.

"Your room, too." I replied again.

"Nooo! He'll like fuckin’ kill me." Mikey shook his head.

"No he won't. I'll stab him in the face if he will." I smirked.

"Stab him all you want. I'm staying in your room Gerard." Frank yawned as he made his way to my room.

"Aren't you coming yet?" I asked Hayley.

"Everyone's already upstairs." I added.
"Could we go somewhere else first?" She asked and with that, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door before I could even reply.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see..." She replied