In Silence It Hurts More

Chapter 5

Still In Gee's POV

She pulled my arm as if she was saving me from a tree or something. We're already here in the streets of New Jersey in the middle of the night. The night was so peaceful. Every person in each house are already asleep. Only the flickering street lights lighted our path.

I continued to follow Hayley still wondering where she'll take me.
"Uhmm…hey," I said trying to start a conversation. This awkward silence is pretty disturbing you know.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Where the hell are we going?" I raised a brow.

"Less talking, more walking." She replied immediately as she held my arm tighter and pulled harder.

"Stop pulling my arm!" I nearly shouted.

"C'mon we're almost there." She said walking faster finally letting go of my arm.

Frank's POV
This is crazy. I mean, where the hell are those two?

"10 minutes have passed, where the hell are they?!" I nearly shouted.

"Fuck! What's the use? Maybe Gerard already confessed and they're prolly makin' out in a couch somewhere in the living room right now. Better get a shut-eye." I told myself.

Back to Gerard's POV

"We're here!" Hayley exclaimed as she ran to a nearby bench.

"The parked?" I raised my eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" She asked doing a lower lip pout.

"Nothing. Why did you take me here, anyway?"

"This kinda reminds me of the day we met." I smiled as I sat down on the bench.

"I come here all the time to think." She said.

"About what?" I asked with a big question mark on my face.

"Stuff…" She just nodded looking at the ground.

"This place also reminds me of the past." She added.

"Like the day..." I started.

"The day my dad passed away." She cut me off.

"And that's the day I met you too." I said.

"If you didn't show up, I wouldn't be here right now." She said in a low tone.

"Yeah..." I nodded

Hayley's POV

It was true. I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for him.


It was two years ago. I was there in the corner of my room. My face was covered with salty droplets of water. I could here the constant shouting of my mom from our living room.
"Is this what you call a decent hour?! Huh?! Edward?! It's eleven in the evening!" My mom shouted.

"Honey....we…had… overtime." My dad answered between hiccups.

"Overtime?!" My mom screamed.

"Look at you! You smell like cigarattes! And you're drunk!" She screamed at him more.

"I'm..not drunk....I'm perfectly..sober." My dad replied.

"Look at you! You have kids. How could you do this?! To me?! To your family?! Leave! And don't even think about showing your godforsaken face to us again!" My mom screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Fine! Then I will!" My dad said raising his voice at her.

I heard our front door creak. I went to my window. I could see our garage there clearly. He got into his car and hit the road. What my dad doesn't know is that he's going in the wrong lane. A large truck was going towards him. I can't stand to watch that awful sight. I shut my eyes tight as I heard the brakes screech and a loud crashing sound followed. I can't look. I ran out my room to the living room. I wiped my eyes with my arm to rid this blurry vision as I ran to our front door.

"Hayley!" My mom nearly screamed.
I pushed her out of my way as I continued running. I ran 'til I reached the park. I know he’s already gone. He couldn’t have survived that accident. There’s no way!

I sat on one of the benches and dried my eyes. I placed my hand inside my pocket and tried to find something in there. There it is. There’s my sharpener. I took off one of its blades and slowly slid it through my left wrist. I stared at my bleeding wrist as teardrops start to stream down my face again. Then, I heard footsteps coming towards me. Am I still living in reality? Or it's his footsteps and he's already coming to get me?

[End of Flashback]

"Gerard." I weakly said.

"Hay, you were spaced out." I then, heard a voice which I presume was Gerard.

I just shook my head and didn’t answer.

"What's wrong? You fell silent then your tears just started to fall?" He asked me.

"I'm so sorry, Gerard?" I sobbed as I leaned my head on his chest.

He drew nearer and I felt the warmth of his body around me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he tried to calm me down.
I raised my head and dried my tears.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be. Just tell me what's wrong." He replied in a concerned tone.
"My dad. Talking about him, it kinda reminded me of the day...he died." I answered between sobs.

"Then, you came. You stopped my wrist from bleeding. You took care of me. That was the best thing anyone has ever done for me." I told him forcing a smile but it won’t just show up.

"I remember that day. You were there sitting helplessly staring at your wounded wrist. God I don't want to see that again. Do you here me, Hayley?!"

I nodded without a word.

"C'mere." He said trying to smile.

I came closer still bowing down. I don't want him to see my tear-stained face.

"Look at me." He said in a serious tone.

"Look, I don't want you to hurt yourself again." He continued.

"Don't worry. If you'll ever feel down and if ever you feel that the world is already walking away from you don't even think twice about running to me. I'm always here for you. I'll be the protect you. I Promise." He finished.

I hugged him tightly. Tears started to fall again but this time, I'm sure these tears are already tears of joy.

"Thank you." I replied with a light smile.

Gerard's POV

Silence. There is nothing left to say. I looked at her as she looked up into the clear night sky. Her eyes sparkled with the stars above us. I know there's nothing left to do but to tell her what I really feel about her. What will she say? How will she react? I've been hiding this feeling for over two years already. How will I do this?

I took in a deep breath and cleared my throat. Then, I started to open my mouth.

"Hay/Gee..." We said at the same time.

"You go first." She smiled.

"Well...I…(Oh my god. How will I say this?)" I said nervously but my phone started to ring.

Without bothering to look at the caller ID, I answered the call.

"Where the hell are you," Said the voice on the other line.

"Frank?!? You're still awake?" I asked in shock.

"It's fuckin' 12:24! Where are you?" Frank practically screamed on the other line.

"Frankie...we're coming back 'kay. We just had a little walk." I told him.

"Little? Almost an hour had passed."

"Poor Frankie...can't sleep alone." I joked.

"We're coming back. Just wait!" I ended our call.

"Frank?" Hayley asked.

"Yep," I simply replied.

"C'mon. We're going back. It seems like Frank can't sleep alone." I snorted.
She smiled back.

I'm kinda happy Frank called. Turns out, I wasn't ready to tell her now. I still don't have the guts. But when will she ever find out?