
The Unquiet Dead

"Come off it, both of you. We have a job to do."

Rose rubbed her temples then, and finally the bickering couple got the hint. Rose smiled at the both of them then, and took a sip of her now-cold tea.

"Listen. It's Christmas, so how about the two of you take the rest of the day off? I know that nothing bad is going to happen today and if it does, then I have other people who can handle it. No offence, but you two really need this."

The couple smiled at this, and nodded.

"Thanks Rose. We really appreciate this. But, are you sure ... ?"

"It really is no problem. Scout's honour."

The couple laughed and after they shut their computers down and grabbed their things, they left. When they stepped out of the double doors, Rose couldn't help but let a sigh of relief escape her lips. She really did love the two, but they were always doing something to ruin the day, and it usually surmounted into two things. Which was fighting until the two of them were hoarse, or loving each other so much that Rose had to look away.

"I really need to get laid." Rose muttered to the empty room. There was no reply to this, but Rose really wasn't expecting one. With a sigh, Rose turned back to her computer andd and called up Susan. Within moments her round face filled the screen, and she chirped a happy hello to Rose.

"What can I do for you today, Miss Rose?"

Shaking her head at the chirpy woman, Rose asked her, "Do you know where my son, Jonathan Tyler, is?"

Rose watched the woman type in his name, and after a moment of silence she said, "He's in the basement floor, near the rift machine. Do be careful Miss Tyler. That machine has been a bit ... off."

"Uh-huh. Thank you Susan. Until next time." With that, Rose hung up on her and stood up, stretching out her stiff muscles as she did so. Walking up to the elevator, she walked into the super-sterile place and pressed the B button. It was only a few seconds afterwards that she was out of the elevator and in search for her son.

When Rose finally found him, her whole world seemed to move in slow-motion. Her hands shaking with fear, she began to walk to her son, watching with speechless horror as his young fingers did a complicated pattern with the Rift's keyboard.

It was then that Rose finally stepped into action. Running towards her son, Rose was suddenly stopped by both the alarm that suddenly echoed through the building and the clear, unbreakable wall that suddenly slammed down in front of her.

Her brown eyes now filled with fear, Rose ran up to the wall and placed both hands on it, banging on it needlessly as she tried to reach her son. "Jonathan! A-Are you okay? Jonathan, answer me!"

Rose watched as Jonathan turned away from the rift machine, but when he faced her, Rose's heart almost stopped.

"Hello mummy. Don't worry. I'm fine."

Rose felt a sliver of unease slide down her back, and it only grew as Jonathan turned back around and began to fiddle with the machine. "Jonathan, what are you-"

"Mum, don't worry! What you should be worrying about is your little friends. Now, go away before I do something to you as well."

Jonathan turned to face her them, to make his threat all the more menacing, but the eyes that stared at Rose was not her child's. Instead of Jonathan's chocolate brown eyes, a pair of muddy black-and-red eyes stared back at her, burning with fire and hatred and rage.

"What have you done with my child?"

Fear was no longer in Rose. No, what she felt was something more, something that even had the monster in front of her stumble with a good dose of fear. However, the thing soon recovered, and he moved back to the machine with a huge smile on her child's face.

"Your son has already set things in motion. It won't be long before he comes, and woe to all of Earth when he does."

Rose's breath caught in her throat, but before she could react, the thing finished the pattern that Jonathan had set into motion, and Rose could only stand and stare as a force-field of sorts came from the machine and threw her and the life that she had once known over the edge and into an unknown abyss.
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I hoped you enjoyed it!