‹ Prequel: One In A Million

Best Thing You Never Had

Bailee Lynn Ross is fourteen, almost fifteen. Derrick Boyd Ross - they had his last name changed so he was still completely clueless about Brendon being his father - has just turned thirteen. And the older he gets the more curious he is. See, he doesn't look like his 'family'. Okay, he has his mother's eyes but that's pretty much where the resemblence stops. He's not like them either. He's normally hyper and loud while both Brooke and Ryan - his 'parents' - are quiet. Derrick is very suspcious about it all.

Bailee doesn't want to deal with it. She's sick of Derrick's complaining and whining. She is just a normal struggling teenage girl with plenty of her own problems. One day, secrets may just slip. It's not easy for the Ross family, nor Brendon himself. Will it tear them all apart?

**I got the title of the story from a Butch Walker song.