‹ Prequel: One In A Million

Best Thing You Never Had


Derrick's Point of View.

"Bailee!" I yelled, banging on my older sister's door. "Bailee open the fucking door! What's wrong with you?"

"Derrick," My dad, Ryan Ross, warned. "Control your language." He was always telling me shit like that. I rolled my eyes and hit the door harder.

"What the hell do you want?" She screeched, flinging open the door. Dad let out an annoyed sigh at her swear but walked downstairs anyway.

"I want my shirt back!" I shouted, pointing at the My Chemical Romance shirt she was currently wearing. It was a classic made just around the time we were born. Bailee rolled her eyes and went back in her room, slamming the door in my face. I mumbled a curse and rushed downstairs, angrily. My mom, Brooke Ross (adopted daughter of Pete Wentz), grabbed my arm.

"Whoa, there. What's up with the screaming, Derrick?" She asked.

"Bailee stole my fuc- flipping shirt and won't give it back!" I exclaimed, trying to escape my mother's grip. She didn't mind if I cursed as much as my dad did.

"Let her borrow it, Derrick. Don't' get all worked up about this stuff," Mom said and walked off.

They don't understand that I felt out of place. You see, everyone hated me at school. My family didn't look like me and they made me feel as if they didn't want me. I hated them. I wanted out. I had no friends. Wait...I did but it was weird. He was my dad's best friend. Brendon Urie. I even had his middle name. We were exactly alike and I always went to his place to hang out. We even looked sort of alike. I looked up to him for everything. So that day, I ran off to his place.

"Hi, Derrick," He said, opening the front door. "What's up?"

"I need to stalk," I stated as I took a seat on his couch. Brendon sat beside me, waiting for me to speak. "Bailee is such a bitch, Bren. She steals my stuff and somehow manages to make mom and dad always be on her side. I'm an outsider at my own house. I can't stand it there. They never listen to me. They aren't my family.They can't be! And I'm fucking sick of my dad telling me not to swear. He does it!" I admitted, quickly. Brendon had a weird expression on his face and then looked down. Neither one of us knew what to say.

"Bailee is a teenage girl. They are all bitches at her age," Bren said, finally. We both began to laugh. I nodded in agreement.

Things were always so simple and great like that when I was with Brendon. Secretly, I always wished he were my dad. But I knew that was impossible. He was too awesome to be my father.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there's twenty three chapters in this story and I'm not all proud of it. I like the beginning sort of, but I still hope you guys like the whole thing.


By the way, you need to listen to Best Thing You Never Had by Butch Walker. I love it.