Status: Completed. Has a sequel.

What to Ask the Middle Brother

  1. Part Onex Welcome To The Tour Bus
    "Ever wonder how the Jonas Brothers live? Well, stay tuned, kiddies, and you'll find out!"
  2. Part Twox Food Fight!
    "Uh, Joe? You are directly in front of the air conditioner and you have no shirt on."
  3. Part Threex Let's Not Talk About It.
    "Joe has prettier girls to choose from."
  4. Part Fourx Closer To Goodbye
    "I loved how music could bring people together."
  5. Part Fivex Sleep Talker
    "You seem to like laughing at other people's pain. I, on the other hand, am a very good person and help people out when they are in pain. But, with pancakes, we can be friends."
  6. Part Six x Hold it!
    "I feel like my bladder is going to explode."
  7. Part Sevenx Mikeal
    "When did I become just "Joe Jonas from the Jonas Brothers"?"
  8. Part Eightx Kiss Me Like An OverDramatic Actor
    "This was everything that I had been wanting for the last few days. Not Mikeal. Not my career. Joe Jonas kissing me."
  9. Part Ninex Love. Measure It In Wine Glasses.
    "Are you trying to tell me that you love me, Joe Jonas?"
  10. Part Tenx Metro Station
    "Bill sent the video of your month together to the producers. Except, he turned it into a love story between Lira and you."
  11. Part Elevenx I Have An Idea
    "This was the worst thing in the world- to be offered the chance to tour with Joe, Kevin and Nick only to have it taken away by my lack of mother and drunken father."
  12. Part Twelvex Good News
    "You'll hit the road with the JoBros next Friday when they leave."
  13. Part Thirteenx Ukrania
    "When I am around you, I suppose I am predictable."
  14. Part Fourteenx The Perfect Way to End
    "I love it, Joe. And I love you."