What A Family Shouldn't Be

Chapter 6

I awoke crying and I was up in the mental ward. A therapist came and I told them everything that happened. The therapist nodded and reported it to the police. Mom was arrested and taken to jail.

Jr asked “ But why mom?”

Dad said “ Jr, your mom forced Maryann so that she could feel what it was like being raped. Your mother took your sisters virginity.”

Jr looked at dad shocked and said “ Oh my god, my poor sister.”

Dad said “ I know you two have been turned from her, but Maryann still loves you. You are both the only brothers she's ever known.”

Jr said “ Dad, I need to tell you something.”

Dad asked “ What is it?”

Jr said “ Dad, mom got some of my semen, I think she put that into Maryann.”

Dad looked at Jr shocked and said “ Oh god, please, let's hope she doesn't get pregnant.”

Jr nodded and said “ I know, dad.”

Dad sighed, looked at the boys and said “ Let's go home.”

I sat by the window and I began to cry. I began to think and I thought my virginity, I lost it. Oh god, what am I going to do? I walked to my room, lay in bed and continued crying. In the morning, Mack walked to my locker hoping to find me there. Mack looked around and sighed when I didn't show up for class.

At math, the teacher said “ Students, I know we don't usually make cards for people. But I wish to make a cards for Maryann.”

Mack asked “ What happened to her?”

The teacher sighed and said, “ Maryann is in the hospital. Something terrible happened to her yesterday.”

Mack looked at the teacher amazed and asked “ Which hospital?”

The teacher said “ Barnes-Jewish.”

Mack wrote it down and the class made cards.

After school, Mack drove to the hospital and asked “ Where can I find Maryann Price?”

The man typed in the information and said “ Maryann is on six B.”

Mack nodded and said “ Thank you for the help.”

Mack found the elevator, pressed six and went up. Mack saw it was the mental ward and pressed the button.

A woman asked “ What can I help you with?”

Mack said “ I'm here to see Maryann Price.”

The woman buzzed him in and said “ Please, wait here.”

Mack nodded, sat down while the woman came to get me.

I walked out into the sitting room and said “ Hello, Mack.”

Mack looked at me sad and asked “ Maryann, what the hell happened?”

I asked “ Why do you care? You are so wrapped up being Mr. Popular.”

Mack said “ Maryann, I still care about you.”

I said “No, you don't care. What cruel joke is this one?”

Mack shook his head, got up and embraced me. Mack said “ Maryann, I'm here on no joke or dare or anything, I wanted to see you.”

I began to cry and I embraced Mack.

Mack rubbed my back as I cried and said “ I wanted to talk with you. But you never showed, so I thought you didn't want to come anymore.”

I said “ Please, let's sit down.”

Mack nodded, grabbed a chair and I said “ Mack, my mother did something to me last night, and I wanted to end my life. I mean life at home isn't the greatest, and school is even harder. I thought it would have been better.”
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A special thanks to all my readers and my subscribers