Killing Loneliness

This is my lithium

I chewed the end of my pencil eraser, knowing Charlie lay on the bunk parrelell to mine. I looked over to him, his shining black hair perfectly covered one side of his milky white face. I tried to sketch my best that day, but my hand just tingled and fell.
I knew Charlie was still shaken up about what happend, he said he forgave me, but he kept giving the sign he was still mad. Charlie was the only person I loved, He was all I had, but now i could tell he was questioning it.
"Hey Charlie." I said soberly, praying he would answer with something other than a sneer. "Hey Rayne." was the dry reply That was bestowed on me. I layed the pencil and sketchbook beside my small bunk.
I curled up in my purple copmforter and watched Charlie pluck his acoustic. Though they were a rock band and Charlie loathed country music with a passion, he always kept evangeline nearby, he had the most eccentric names for his guitars.
"Charlie, do you love me?" I asked breaking a botched version on good riddance. "Rayne..." "Answer me Charlie, do you love me?" He stared at me, his blue eyes shined in the contrast of the dark light pouring from the windows, a crown of stars shone brightly upon his perfect face.
"Rayne, when I saw you kissing Ville.." I naturally had to open my big mouth to stop him. "Charlie, I didnt kiss Ville, he kissed me, Im not attracted to that finnish asshole!" Charlie bit his bottom lip. "Rayne, I dont know what to believe, I havent even wanted to look at Ville or hear his wretched voice again."
Did i do this? Did I make him lose his heros with that one uncomfortable kiss? I hated myself even more at that point. "Charlie, I love you, dont let this change anything, because it meant nothing. Your the only one I love, dont make me lose it." I fought back tears as I buried my face into my pillow.
I heard footsteps I couldnt see, i comtemplated it was Charlie walking away from me in disgust, before i felt a hot breath on my neck and a body next to mine on this small bunk. "I love you too babe, Thank you."
I tried to decipher the thank you, but I was pure bliss feeling him beside me again. i turned to him and we removed eachothers glasses for the last good night kiss.