Princess, Crown Not Included

So... Where Do We Start?

Astarte, please accept my invitation to

On behalf of our Pharaoh, I have been asked to

If you would like to, I ask you to

I intend holding a small occasion in the Throne room, if you would attend

You are the most beautiful female since Hathor, please

I scratched out what seemed like the thousandth attempt at a letter to her with such force the papyrus tore beneath my fingers. This was harder than I thought it was going to be. Don't seem too eager, was one rule I knew. But then another rule was, not eager enough and she'll think you're not interested. I screwed up the torn sheet in frustration and threw it across the room, slumping back in the high-backed throne. Women were complicated.

"The High Priest to see you, My Lord," the voice of the chief scribe announced. I sat up quickly and motioned he should be allowed entry. Seto would help. He knew everything.

"Seto!" I called loudly as the tall figure strode in, robes flaring around him. "How are you today? How are things in the temple, good? How's you and Isis? Ooh, I forgot, don't mention her... Anyway, are they new robes? They look good, like everything else you put on, you must tell me who makes your jewelery--"

"What do you want, you're starting to scare me." He announced, raising his eyebrows, a look of half amusement and half indifference on his face. I feigned ignorance to throw him off my trail.

"Seto, I'm insulted. Can a person not be nice to their best freind every now... and... agai..." His eyebrows had reached his hairline. Hanging my head in defeat, I gave up. "Alright, so maybe I do want something. That," I announced, perking up at the flash of inspiration, "as your Pharaoh, it is your duty to help me with!" He rolled his eyes.

"You want me to help you catch Astarte." It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

"How in Ra's name did you..."

"Please, Atem, anyone with eyes can see." he announced, shaking his head in amusement. He was the only one who could get away with using my name. "Ever since the day on the balcony, she's been completely useless. She can't think, she won't get up, she walks about singing!" He almost spat the last word. "And you aren't helping matters! Mooning all day long, ordering the guards home- and what's this I hear from Hasani about kisses being blown?" I tried to buy time to think of an excuse.

"Erm... it was my evil twin?"

"Atem, you are the evil twin." he snorted. "But," he said, his face softening, "since I can see you are utterly infatuated-"

"I'm not infatuated!"

"I shall help you." He continued as if I hadn't spoken. I threw my arms around him in a brotherly hug, thanking him. He returned the gesture, laughing at my childishness. Abrubtly, we pushed away from each other, straightening our robes in embarrasement.

"So..." I grinned wickedly. "Where do we start?"
♠ ♠ ♠
updaaate!!! squee.

and btw, yes, I changed the High Priest to Seto. Don't ask why. Just accept, and move on. Seth wasn't important. Seto on the other hand, is. Very. *giggles*

Merci, as usual, to Ryou, novellababe and Katt. I decided. I shall not update again unless I get a comment from all four of my subscribers. or four comments in general. meh.

Much Love!!!