Sequel: Fighting Shadows

Dealings with Demons

Naomi blames herself for her brother's death, and so does her mother. Living in a broken family with an abusive step-father is it any wonder she turned to a demon for help. Nothing is as easy, a special potion is required to bring the living back and Naomi teams up with the demon, an unpredictable mysterious and confused boy, to gather the ingerdients, but they aren't the only one's after it. What happens when they have to out run a rival demon and the cops to do the impossible?
  1. Chapter One Summoning
    Where we meet the demon
  2. Chapter Two: Kidnapped?
    Where Naomi runs away
  3. Chapter Three: Underworld
    Where Damon's looking for something
  4. Chapter Four: Library Oblivion
    Where we Meet Marx
  5. Chapter Five: Death's Kiss
    Where Zak returns
  6. Chapter Six: Another Book
    Where Naomi recives another book
  7. Chapter Seven: Sleeping
    Where um...forget it...
  8. Chapter Eight: Curiosity Killed the Cat
    Where Naomi recives a lesson in curiosity.
  9. Chapter Nine: Unwanted Attention
    Where Damon and Naomi gain stalkers
  10. Chapter Ten: Damon Who?
    Where Naomi is questioned about Damon.
  11. Chapter Eleven: A Place to Spend the Night
    Where it starts to rain.
  12. Chapter Twelve: What Do You Dream?
    Where Naomi confronts her nightmares
  13. Chapter Thirteen: Demon with Angel Wings
    Where something is learned about Damon
  14. Chapter Fourteen: I Hate Everything About You
    Where conflict increases between the two
  15. Chapter Fifteen: The Plan
    Where ...sorry it's too early!...
  16. Chapter Sixteen: Sealed With a Kiss
    Where Damon returns
  17. Chapter Eighteen: Death Becomes Me
    Where Naomi is injured
  18. Epilouge: All He Had Was His Soul to Give
    Where it ends