Rocky Road

Rocky Road

Juliet sat in her tour bus, reading a magazine as she waited for the interviewer.

“What's taking him so long?” she sighs, tossing the magazine on the table that was nailed down to the bus.

The new celebrity examines her nails, beginning to grow quite impatient. Personally, she would go look for him herself, but no one told her who it was or how he looked like so there wasn't anthing she could do besides wait.

“Oh, my!” comes a voice with an English accent, “Have you been waiting long?” the tour bus door closes and his foot steps are heard coming closer.

Guy Ripley!?” she exclaimed, her brown eyes growing wide.

Guy stares at her, “I see you've heard of me,” he smiles at her. “Is it alright if I sit down?” he sits before she can answer.

“Uhm,” she shifts in her seat. “Want to get cracking on this or what?”

He looks confused, “We're going to... bake?” his eyebrows rise.

“No,” she laughs. “It's an expression, Guy.”

“Of course,” he takes out his flash cards. “We shold really get cracking,” he laughs to himself at using the word. “I have lunch with Ryland after this.”

She blinks, “Right.”

“What's it like being on tour with Cobra Starship?” he asks.

She's thoughtful, “It's simply... hard to describe, Guy. I mean, Cobra is one of my favorite bands so being able to tour with them leaves me speechless, I thought I'd--” she gets cut off.

“Right, right. What flavor ice cream would you say your singing was?”

Juliet opens her mouth to say something but bites her tongue, “This is a hard question...” she scratches the back of her head. “I'd have to go with... Rocky Road...” she nods.

“Is that your final answer?” he smirks.

She nods, “Yeah, pretty much.”

“I'm sorry, Juliet. The correct answer was,” he looks down at his card. His smirk vanishes. “Rocky Road.”

There's an awkward silence before Juliet says, “Any other questions?”

“D-Do you know what this means?” he cries out, standing up. “My career. Oh, my! My career is over!” he suddenly drops down the floor and stars rocking back and forth.
The bus door suddenly opens, “Hey, everything okay in here? I heard some... really bad crying.”

Juliet looks up. Her jaw drops.

Ryland!?” she exclaims.

“One and only...” he smiles before looking down at Guy.

“B-But, how can you be there when Guy's here?” she looks back and forth at the two.
♠ ♠ ♠
You might interpt this differently, the ending, that is.