Status: Slowly working on an update. Working on Supernatural one-shots, so look out for them.

Winters Storm.

Chapter Four

Small raindrops fell onto the glass window of black Chevrolet impala as it sped through the puddles expanding on the road by the minute. The streetlamps dim rays reflected off the bonnet of the car, back onto the boot. The headlights of the car illuminated the buildings and signs with the street names on which Sam was reading everyone of. A Street called ‘Elizabeth Close’ stood out for Sam, and he told his brother to take a left at the turn. The road they were down had large posh houses which had been made into apartments, one on each of the three floors.

They parked up and then the brothers walked from their car to where Alec and Nadia’s house was situated on the street. Dean opened their garden gate slowly to prevent creaking and unwanted attention. They walked along the small patch of grass beside the large gravel drive and headed to the main door of the house. After Dean picked the lock, the brothers crept up the uncarpeted stairs like Nadia did just over a week before. Slashing the ‘Crime Scene: Do Not Cross’ Tape that was across the light blue door with “2A” In gold coloured metal above the letterbox.

Dean picked the lock again and pushed open the door for the smell of death to instantly waft up their nostrils and around the hallway of house. Dean flicked the light switch on to illuminate a blood-stained floor and armchair, with a coffee cup discarded beside it with a stain from the once-hot drink on the carpet trailing underneath the chair.

“Have I ever mentioned what nice places we get to see with this job?” Dean sarcastically to Sam, raising his eyebrows as he spoke.

“May have mentioned it a couple of times.” Sam muttered with as much sarcasm as Dean began walking around the room, stepping over the wine red stains of dried blood over the horrific pattern wound into the carpet.

“Someone should have got laminate flooring.” Dean said, and headed into the bedroom with his homemade EMF detector, which he made from an old walkman, and began running his fingers occasionally along the side, collecting dust as he did so. Sam stepped around the room, yet the EMF detector stayed silent.

“Sam! Found something!” Dean shouted to his brother as Sam was about to head into the kitchen and hopefully find more clues. He turned around, to see his brothers head poking around the doorframe of the dark room.

“Would this fit you?” Dean said, holding up a bra to Sam, before looking at the size of the bra and looking at Sam’s chest. “Double D. Too big?” Dean asked with a huge smile on his face. Sam rolled his eyes, and turned his back on his brother.

“Dean, did you find anything?” He asked his brother, “Other than that.” He added before Dean could bring up the bra again.

“Nah, I didn’t.” He called from the bedroom, and then came out without the bra. “You?”

“Nothing,” Sam told Dean. He turned to look out of the window covered in raindrops which disfigured the view of the street below. Looking back from their car parked down the street, a small yellowish white powder upon the window sill caught his eye. Slowly and carefully he opened the window, and ran his finger along the powder. He sniffed it, and pulled a disgusted face at the scent. “Dean, I’ve found sulphur.”

Sam was looking at the powder as Dean came over, when he noticed something else. An Ivy plant was climbing the wall of the converted house, and the end of the plant was just above the window, with a noticeable chunk of the plant cut out. Dean came up behind Sam ooerrr! sorry I couldn’t resist and looked at the sulphur on the window.

“Well, at least the vengeful spirit guess was right.” Dean said, looking at his brother. He noticed his brothers gaze was no longer at the Sulphur. Dean followed the Sam’s up the wall, noticing the Ivy plant. “Same plant as the morgue?”

“Yeah,” Sam answered his brother, “I think this is the plant used for the wounds as well.” He said, pointing to the part of the plant which had been cut for his brother to see.

“Well spotted, Sammy.” Dean said and then walked away from the window. “Now we gotta find out about that plant.” Sam nodded in agreement of what his brother said, and then followed him down the stairs out of the block of apartments. Dean stopped beside the vine plant and crouched down, looking at the plant closely. “That’s strange.”

“What is?” Sam asked, and kneeled beside his older brother. “The plant has no roots?”

“Exactly, now I ain’t one of those Down-to-Earth gardener types, but I know a plant needs roots to grow. And please, tell me we’re not dealing with the vengeful spirit of a gardener.” Dean said, and then walked back to his beloved Chevrolet.


“Hi darling, two coffees please.” Dean ordered at the counter of a very busy diner the following morning as Sam stood beside him and looked around the Diner.

“Dean, that Louise chick is sitting by the door.” Sam muttered quietly enough for Dean to hear.

“Okay Sam.” Dean said, and then paid the waitress the money for the coffees. The brothers took their own coffees and then headed to the girl, Louise. She was sat at a cheap pine table with a steaming hot mug of coffee whilst reading over the daily newspaper of the area. She looked up from the newspaper when she saw the shadows of the Winchesters fall on her table.

“Louise Strefford?” Dean said, pulling his ID badge out his pocket and flipping it open for her to read. “I’m Agent Weatherly, and this is my partner, Agent Michaels.” Dean told her and she nodded.

“Mind if we ask you a few questions, about the Conner-Blakewood murders?” Sam asked her.

“Sure,” She said, sliding her newspaper to beside her as the ‘Detectives’ sat across from her on the same table. Dean slumped back in the chair and took a long gulp of his drink, and Sam sat up in a professional manner.

“So, Miss Strefford…” Sam as he put his ID back into his pocket, “We got told you were close to Nadia Blakewood.” He began and Louise nodded, “We were wondering if you knew what she did the day she died. Its all part of the investigation.”

“Uhh, yeah. She rung me up to tell me that her and Alec had going for a romantic day out or something…” Louise said, “She was in the queue to see that band she likes… uh, you know, the one with the female singer? She’s Ginger?” She asked them and received blank looks, “Well they’re crap anyway.”

“Why didn’t Alec go with her to see that band?” Dean asked her, after guzzling half of his coffee already.

“He hates the band. And I guess a soccer match or something would have been on TV so he went home to watch it.”

“Where did Nadia and Alec go for this ‘Romantic’ day?” Sam asked her, followed by his first sip of his coffee.

“Umm, she said they were walking mostly. By the river, stopped for a picnic, and then walked through the woods.”

“Do you know which woods, and which river?” Dean asked her, and she gave him a curious look.

“Yeah. There’s only one river in Wichita Falls, and the woods behind the garage.” Louise told him, “No-one hardly ever goes into those woods, they thought it would be private and secluded.”

“The garage? Do you mean Thunderstruck?” Dean asked her, stopping his coffee cup midway to his mouth. The investigating stuff usually bored him, the people they talked to always rambled on about something completely irrelevant, and when Dean finds out something which is important, he can’t resist to rub it in Sam’s face.

“Yeah. That’s the one.” She said, and Dean looked over at Sam and smirked.

“Thank you for your time.” Sam said, standing up from the table and heading out the diner followed by Dean.

“Dude! I so told you about Thunderstruck!” Dean said excitedly after throwing himself onto his bed once they arrived back into the motel.

“Yeah, I know. But what is it about the garage? That come back to you yet?” Sam asked as he slumped in his chair after pulling the laptop out from underneath him and beginning the instant typing. “I’ll try to find the article you found.”

“I’m gonna catch a few winks. I couldn’t get to sleep last night after our little field trip.” Dean said grinning to Sam raising his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Looking at the Internet history, sounds like you one hell of a night.” Sam said sarcastically as Dean rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes to drift into a sleep.

A few hours later Dean was awoken by Sam shaking him awake. The laptops screen was illuminating the room against the darkening November sky outside.

“Dude… What time is it?” Dean asked, yawning and stretching his arms as he looked around the room.

“Its half past seven. You’ve been asleep for a while. I’ve found out where that Ivy plant is from.” Sam said, grinning at his victory.

“Oh yeah,” Dean muttered tiredly, “Impress me then.” Sam turned back to the laptop, and then showed Dean the webpage he found the information on.

“It’s a nature website about Wichita Falls, and it says about the Ivy plant we found. There’s only one place it grows. The place it grows is the woods behind the garage.” Sam said.

“Well that explains why I knew the garage… Any history on the woods?” Dean asked Sam sleepily.

“I couldn’t find anything but Bobby’s looking it up for us.” Sam explained to his brother and then his brother lied back down on his bed.

“Good It’ll wait till tomorrow then.” Dean said before falling back into the sleep his brother rudely interrupted him from before.