Status: Hiatus.

Demolition Lovers.

Into Your Icey Blues...

We had stayed at the grounds for a couple of minutes while I took in all of Ray's friends.
They were really nice people and the only friends I've ever had other than Kathy.
I could be myself around them and didn't feel the need to be shy and timid.

I don't seem like that type of person, but I'm actually just the loner nerd who dresses like a horror film.
I don't speak, or make social contact.
That's why this was the happiest day of my life.
I now had a social life and friends.
I clicked with these guys, and it was the most fun I had ever had.

Of course, they would never take Kathy's place as my almost sibling best friend.
She was one of a kind, and I loved her more than anything.

But the guys could try.

After we had gotten to know a bit about each other, Ray's parents said Goodbye and I waved them off.
Then I turned to Ray.


The guys held their ears and cringed as I shrieked.
"Relax! We're going to! We're just walking, that's all!" Ray explained.
"Right. And where are we walking to?"
"My house." Gerard grinned triumphantly.
"Which is directly next door to my house." Ray rolled his eyes.

I giggled as Gerard huffed and his raven mob blew up.
He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why are you laughing, short-shit?"

I stopped giggling and glared at him.
"Leave my height out of this, tubby."
"Leave my weight out of this!"
"Well then we'll just have to resort to mommas."
"Yo momma smells."
"Yo momma so fat, I have to take 3 trains and two buses to get to her good side."
"Damn... Thats good." he knotted his eyebrows as he tried to think, his fingers resting on his chin.

"HAHA BETCH. HA. HA." I yelled and turned to face the others.
"Shall we go?"
Frank nodded, grinning and we linked arms, Ray latching onto my other side.
I shouted bye to everyone and a chorus of 'bye's and 'have fun!'s erupted through the house.
We skipped out of the door, leaving Gerard to close it behind himself.

"THIS ISN'T OVER! NOT. OVER!" he exclaimed as strode ahead of us in mock sulk.
I giggled and let go of the guys to hug him from behind.
It was awkward as we were walking along, but we sort of managed it.


It took about 5 minutes to get to Ray's house from the grounds.
When we got there, it was smaller than the grounds, obviously, but was the biggest house on the block, followed by Gerard's.

We first went inside Ray's house to tell his parents we were going to Gerard's, and then stepped into next door, to be greeted by a tall, friendly looking woman.

She hugged all of the boys, greeting them all with a 'hello' or 'how are you?', when she got to me, she hugged me, too. It was nice. When she pulled back, she smiled sweetly and I grinned widely in return.

"So who do we have here, then?"
"I'm Ollie, it's very nice to meet you."
"And it's lovely to meet you, too, Ollie. Are you new here?"
"No. I live in Austrey Grounds. The care home near Calley High." I grinned.
"Well, then you must be the Ollie that Raymond's parents are fostering." she grinned back.

It was a relief to know she wasn't going to treat me like I was disabled cause my parents didn't want me. My stomach churned as I thought of my parents. I immediately moved back onto the current situation.
"Yeah. Hopefully." I smiled and crossed my fingers for effect.
"Don't be ridiculous, honey. You're adorable. You're sure to be their's." she winked and walked into the kitchen.

I blushed at her compliment and the guys all smiled.
"So... " I started.
"She's right, y'know." Ray grinned.
"You're adorable." he winked and ruffled my hair.
I frowned and sorted it out.

"Don't touch my hair."
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm sorry to all my loverrly subscribers for keeping you waiting this long.
I didn't mean to, I just couldn't think of anything to write.


Pleeaase, comment and subscribe. :D
Oh and I would LOVE to know who's subscribing/subscribed so I can give you deds next chapter!