
When Isabella turns 16, she notices some strage things happening. The abitly to move water other strage phenomanons. That night during a sleepover with her closeset friends, Alice and Jessika, she has dream that will change her life. After other unexpeceted occurences, Bella soon finds that she is destined to save her world and another that can only be traveled to through dreams. Can Bella master her powers and use them to save the ones she loves from this approaching danger she was told of?
  1. Chapter One
    Isabella's 16th birthday party with her two closest friends was going fine, until she reallized something awkward happening to her.
  2. Chapter Two
    Bella has a crazy, unexplainable dream that seemed too real to be anything normal. A typical day at school turnes out to be "not so typical" when Bella has another strage ocurence.
  3. Chapter Three
    This is where things get really interesting. Bella travles to a strange, new place in her dream. Like her last dream, this one was also felt too real. She learns of her mission and purpose of these strange things that have happened to her and practic
  4. Chapter Four
    After convincing her closest friends about her powers, Bella is releaved they understand and travels to Celo Aetheria again to find out more about the evil going on in her town and her abilities.
  5. Chapter Five
    Bella learns that her friends are missing and imediatly knows the culprets when she has another vision. Can Isabella beat these werewolves to save her friends, family, and even the world?