The Cloaked Samurai


This banner is by stealthisusername.

The daughter of Lord Natsu and Lady Toki fears that revolutionaries may try to kill her father. Because he has no sons, she secretly trains as a samurai in order to protect him. Just when everything seems to be going as planned, tragedy strikes. She vows to bring justice to the world and avenge the deaths of innocent people, but how pure can a heart bent on revenge be? Pain and suffering follow her as she becomes both revered and feared as the legendary Cloaked Samurai.
  1. The Engagement
    Your sister receives a proposal from a prince.
  2. The Dream
    You have a disturbingly realistic dream.
  3. The Plan
    You realize the truth about the dream.
  4. The Interview
    You go to the dojo to see if they will accept you as a student.
  5. The Lesson
    You have your first lesson.
  6. The Defensive
    You continue your lessons with Farren.
  7. The Offensive
    You start developing feelings for Farren.
  8. The Threat
    A fellow student is jealous of Farren's attention.
  9. The Prince
    You visit the prince, who isn't as kind as he seems.
  10. The Children
    A group of children question social rankings.
  11. The Rival
    You are challenged to your first real fight.
  12. The Fight
    Nothing about the fight turns out as planned.
  13. The Punishment
    Karma comes back in an unexpected way.
  14. The Discovery
    Everything good in your life falls apart.
  15. The Fire
    Everything you had feared becomes reality.
  16. The Decision
    Now that your former life is over, you must rebuild.
  17. The Gossip
    You discover life outside your mansion for the first time.
  18. The Game
    You learn how the public viewed your family.
  19. The Woman
    You find yourself longing to be a woman again.
  20. The Night
    Your feelings for Farren grow as you spend time together.
  21. The Lie
    You must choose between saving your life or Farrah's.
  22. The Escape
    You jump out of the frying pan and into the fire.
  23. The Ninjas
    A group of ninjas accepts you as one of their own.
  24. The Argument
    You try to persuade Takumi that his love is shallow.
  25. The Confusion
    Even though he thinks you're a man, is Takumi falling for you?
  26. The Bath
    You find you're very attracted to Takumi.
  27. The Soldier
    You are attacked by a group of soldiers.
  28. The Scar
    You finally act on your feelings for Takumi.
  29. The Head-Start
    You tell Takumi the truth about your identity.
  30. The Admirer
    Now that you are on the run, many rumors spread about you.
  31. The Letters
    Again, the best-laid plans go awry.
  32. The Surrender
    You form a bond with Miyoko, but your lifestyle is hard for her.
  33. The Declaration
    Miyoko forms an unhealthy attachment to you.
  34. The Birth
    Miyoko goes into labor, and Farrah has changed.
  35. The Wedding
    The inevitable finally takes place as Keiji finds you.
  36. The End
    Everything comes to a close as you face Keiji for the last time.
  37. The Epilogue
    Very optional, very cheesy, but kind of interesting.