I'm Glad I Shared This With You

I’ve Not Done Anything.

He paced around in the dark of the room; the dingy orange lamp that hung from an almost broken wire only illuminated the wooden table that had a somewhat old fashioned tape recorder on top. He grunted a couple of times, tugging at the roots of his receding hairline while his complexion gradually increased into a dark maroon colour. The only other person seemed highly amused at the man while deeply inhaling the cigarette fumes. That caused him to lose it, slamming is fists onto the table that caused his multiple chins to sway against his stout body.

“For the last time Miss, what happened?” The man seethed through his clenched teeth, glaring into the shadow that was currently hiding the figure; the pale grey smoke with the dim orange glow was the only visible thing.

The person who he directed the question to just lent back against the wooden chair and putting their feet up. “I’ve told you already, I’ve not done anything,” She replied while the sides of her lips pricked up into a smirk, invisible in the dark.

The officer sighed angrily, “Look, just tell me what happened!” The man snarled while hurling the chair next to him out of the way, the spit catching to the ends of his moustache and he gripped tightly onto the edges of the worn oak. His beady little eyes almost coming out of his greasy skin.

With that she took her feet off the table and leant in over the recorder. A black pinstripe trilby hat left a shadow on her face, the dim light only reaching her lips that had burgundy coloured lipstick applied.

The young women let out a miniature laugh before taking another drag; she kept it close to her lips for a few moments as if she was contemplating something, “You sure you want to know?” She paused for a bit “Well fine, I’ll tell ya…” She replied, her voice wandering as in thought.

Dougie’s POV

“Dougie! I-I’m sorry!” My girlfriend cried, eyeliner mixed tears fell down her slightly tanned skin while she scurried around picking up parts of her clothes.

I took a deep breath before closing my eyes shut to stop myself from looking at her, “It’s over Laura, and I don’t want to see you again,” I managed to squeak out before I grabbed my keys off the granite tabletop and left the house.

After I had drunk as many beers as I could I stumbled to the car and threw up before awkwardly getting inside my car.