True Love is Not a Diamond Ring

Chapter 13

The next few days were a total blur to Corina.

Jaclyn and her posse continued to mock Corina and play mind games with her.

Corina's thoughts now consisted of how to run away so much more often.

Graduation day grew near.

Still, Brandon said not a single word to her.

Jaclyn won Prom Queen, and that seemed to make her superiority stronger.

It was the day of graduation when Corina finally cracked.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Corina fiddled with the sleeve of her black graduation gown, standing in line to get her diploma.

Jaclyn turned around and smiled. "Hey, Corina."

She was obviously hiding something.

"What?" Corina asked miserably.

"How are you going to pay for college? You know your brother sucks up all your money," the smile turned evil, "so, are you going to like, work at McDonalds? Or, like, be a hustler?"

Frustrated tears sprung to Corina's eyes, and she ripped off the graduation hat and threw it on to the ground.

She ran.

Ran two miles to her house, took all her clothes, all her money, and her keys. Then she left, taking her car.

One of the few things she left behind was a note scrawled hastily.

"Mom and Jeremy

Sorry. I couldn't take it anymore. I'll be back in a week to pick up my diploma. Then i'll be gone. Don't worry, it's not you. It's the people in the town. Don't forget, I love you.

See you in a week (or a few months)

Corina Jane," her mother read out loud less than a half an hour later.

She burst into tears when she saw the tiny heart scribbled onto the paper.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's almost done.
i think.
i'll be starting a new story afterwards.
except it'll go kinda slow.
because, you know... school's not exactly an inspiration.

do the letters if you want.
comments help me update.