True Love is Not a Diamond Ring

Chapter 7

Corina sat in a local Greek restaurant with Taylour, poking at her Avgolemono soup anxiously.

"Tay, what will I do?"

The girl with vibrant flame coloured hair looked up from her slightly burnt pastitsio, a fork halfway to her mouth. She placed the fork down and tapped her blue fingernails against her bony chin.

"I'm not sure, Cee... you DID lie to him," Taylour pointed out unhelpfully.

"I'm aware," Corina muttered miserably, tears lining her eyes, forming a shining ring. "I feel horrible."

Taylour smiled an odd smile, sad and devious. "Maybe if you talk about him it'll make you feel better? It's what I do," she suggested.

'Why not, it's not like it can hurt me any more,' Corina thought. She sighed and began to talk, "He's shy. He's so sweet, but he's insecure. He has trust issues, because all his past girlfriends have cheated on him. He's got light red-brown hair and dark blue eyes. He's tall and he plays tennis and volleyball." She stopped, realizing something.

She was making herself cry.

But Taylour either had not noticed or just didn't care.

A devilish grin simply spread across her face, and something in her brown eyes sparked.

"Maybe I can convince him to get back with you," she suggested, biting her lip, hoping that her plan would work.

"Right," Corina moaned, laying her head on her arms. "After what he saw, he's probably not wanting anything to do with me."

Taylour shook her head, as if to clear her mind, her expression looking annoyed. She quickly plastered a smile on her face and patted Corina's shoulder. "Come on," she encouraged her, "give me his number and screen name and I'll talk to him for you."

Corina gave in, scrawled both on her napkin in her loopy handwriting, and handed it over.
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keep on leaving those little "letters" for the characters.
tell your friends about the story!