True Love is Not a Diamond Ring

Chapter Nine

There was guilt in Brandon's eyes, but Corina did not see it.

Instead, she strode up to Taylour, in a sudden fit of rage, and said softly, "You b-tch." Corina drew back her fist, and punched Taylour, hard.

Taylour gasped as Corina's fist contacted her nose, and stepped back. She held her bloody nose in shock. Blood dripped down her face and slowly seeped onto her clothes. A smirk made its way onto her pained face.

Corina turned to Brandon and raised an open hand, and he stepped back, hands up by his chest, facing Corina. She dropped her hand like a stone, and then put it to her forehead. Salty tears cascaded down her olive-skinned face, and she made no noise.

"Go," she mouthed to Taylour, pointing behind her.

Taylour's smirk stayed glued onto her face.

"I will," she told Corina, voice nasally and triumphant, "but only because I got what I wanted." She pranced away, looking like a gruesome ballerina.

Corina watched her with melancholy eyes. Once she disappeared, Corina turned back to Brandon.

"Why?" was all that came out from behind the stony mask on her face.

"I don't know."
♠ ♠ ♠
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