‹ Prequel: Hold Me Down
Status: on haitus.

Nothing Like You.

Somebody More Like Myself.

I knew where they were going the minute the apartment door closed and Frankie let out a huge sigh. I knew they were going to the place that changed my life, well in actuality all of our lives—Hopes Fall Resort.

I shivered at the thought and put on Cinderella. I needed to change the direction my thought process was going in. I had so many things going through my mind; my feelings for Annie, the scars on my wrists, the bruise forming on my left shoulder blade, the fact that my favorite ‘uncle’ was going to be in rehab.

I had a lot on my mind. Not to mention what the hell I was going to wear to school tomorrow, let alone what the hell I’m going to tell Annie when she asks what’s wrong later. I still can’t believe we haven’t decided anything in particular between us. Are we just friends or aren’t we? Hell if I know.

“Hey kiddo, want to go grab a bite to eat? We can call up Gee and Ray; see if they want to come too? Maybe Ellie can cheer you up?”

I just shook my head, noticing the sadness that radiated off Frank in waves. Dad won’t be back till late; I remember the long drive to and from that place; if he comes home tonight at all. All I could think about was what Annie said a few weeks ago, the day she and I argued in my room—the day I punched that dick in the face.

You don’t even love yourself, how do you expect me to believe that you love me.

That was the last thing she said to me before she yanked my sleeves back down, anger and disappointment flashing through her eyes. My dad’s don’t even know what I do to myself. They just know I dress like they do so they think nothing of it. I know dad’s had an issue with self-harming in his younger days; hell he did a lot more to himself than just cutting.

I’ve played the guilt card with Annie one too many times, she doesn’t pity me anymore—that hurts. Frankie tries, he really does, I just, he’s not my dad, he wasn’t there, he just doesn’t get it. I love him, I do, it’s just, I love dad more. Not in an incest way, just, he’s my favorite parent between the two.

Frank knows what I’ve been through, it took me years to finally talk to him about it and even then I still don’t feel as close to him. I feel bad for how I treat him sometimes. I make it obvious he’s not really my favorite—he’s not really Mikey to me,not really a dad to me.