‹ Prequel: Hold Me Down
Status: on haitus.

Nothing Like You.

Show Me What It's Like.

“Phone calls can only do so much, you know that. You were at school, Gee was at college and Frank was afraid to talk to him. Bert was his only friend the time he needed one to physically be there most. I know you didn’t ask to be sent away, but you weren’t there, Gee wasn’t there and Grandma was oblivious.”

I noticed the sorrow that filled his eyes as he wiped the last mark on my arm before reaching for the kit again, pulling out gauze. Great, questions would be asked.

“I know he’s not exactly the best role model, let alone he doesn’t always make the best choices but deep down, he’s a great friend and that’s what I admire in him. Hands down he’ll do whatever it takes for his friends and let’s face it, he’s living one of his dreams, a band, a fucking famous band at that and he still remembers us! Not many people do that you know…they forget about the people who were there before all the fame and money.”

“I’d never do that.”

I quirked an eyebrow at him and he just shrugged and shook his head.

“You’re done. Try not to do it again, please?”

I just nodded; try was the key word and we both knew that. He gave me a weak smile before he stood up and put things away.

“You shouldn’t keep leaving Annie in the dark either, it’s not easy on her you know, being your friend and all.”

I groaned.

“What do you know? Were you ever the popular one and friends with a loser? No, you and dad were both the losers! Gee and Frank were the popular kids, they got all the attention and if anyone saw either of them talking to you I’m sure they got shit for it.”

He just looked down to the ground before responding with a lame—“watch your mouth”—and turned away leaving me alone. I fisted my hair in frustration, what the hell did they all want from me?

My only friend, I was ignoring her—she probably hates me by now. The only two true parents I’ve ever had, I detest one of them and all he does is give and give and I don’t appreciate it. My uncles do their best for me, they take me out sometimes, they let me watch Elena—they trust me with their world.
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i'm hoping to update ALL my current stories today, as i have family coming in starting tomorrow for the fourth of july holiday. it's kind of a big deal at my house. my dad goes all out. my best friend is arriving within the hour so i hope to have it all done by then.

so i'll probably be on hiatus till sunday or monday. have a great weekend! thanks again for all the feedback! i'm glad you guys are liking this story! it's actually kind of hard to write sometimes, i have to remember how i felt at sixteen about things and amongst other things.