Misconceptions, Cheap Booze and Scars; So Much for the Best Day Ever.

Let the Assumptions Fly....

After a long day of driving, setting up, and playing a show all Gerard Way was interested in was a nice hot shower and some sleep. While the rest of the guys went out to celebrate the first day of the tour, he decided to go back to the bus alone and relax by himself. His jet black hair clung around his face in sweaty strands. Beads of the salty liquid dripped down his body and face. The lids of his eyes began to slowly sink further over the hazel orbs that rested inside of them as he shuffled his way to the bus. The day had been unnaturally hot for early April, April 9th to be exact, his birthday. Instead of the usual drinking he would indulge himself in for his birthday celebration, he decided a quite night would suit him better instead.

"Oh come on man, let us take you out to party, just a little please!" Frank had begged.
"Guys I'm fucking tired, all I could possibly be interested in now is a goddamn shower" Gerard croaked out tiredly.
"I'll even get you a hooker for the night if you come!" Frank teased.

The guys had been so busy with touring none of their "needs" had been met in quite some time. Everyone raised their eyebrows in jealousy at Frank's offer.

"I think I'll pass. Honestly at this point I'm too tired, even to fuck" He had responded, although it was not really true. Tour life was getting pretty lonely, but he just need to get away from everyone for awhile.

With this the guys let him return to the bus.

"A present to myself, a minute of peace and quite," He thought and began to quietly hum happy birthday as we neared the back lot.

However, as he approached his bus he did not find peace and quite. There was a distinct voice splitting the humid night air and it seemed to be coming from inside his trailer. As he got closer he could hear that someone was singing.

"So give me all your poison, and give me all your pills, and give me all your hopeless hearts and make me ill, you're running after something that you'll never kill, if this is what you want the FIRE AT WILL!"

Whoever was singing inside was singing one of his band's songs, and very well too. The voice was soaked with passion and conviction, more than he himself had sung it that night. Even muffled through the wall of the bus he could hear the certainty of the words that were being sung and the confidence the singer had in them. He opened the door and walked in to see something much to his pleasant surprise.

There in front of him was a girl, dripping wet in nothing but a towel. She had long, wavy hair that hung slightly passed her shoulders and clung to her faire skin. Her eyes were light brown, almost gold color that seemed to be almost popping out of her head in shock. Whoever she was she obviously wasn't expecting anyone to come in. Gerard found the expression on her face strangely amusing. She looked almost animated with her huge eyes agape and her eye brows up, creating worried lines across her smooth forehead. Her mouth hung open slightly revealing gleaming white teeth. To the left side of her mouth she had a dimple which Gerard found particuarly cute.

"Oh shit" she whispered

He stood there for a moment, just taking her in with his eyes, not quite sure what to say to this unexpected guest in his trailer. What is a guy supposed to say to a pretty, half naked girl standing in front of him? How did she get inside? Wait, he thought to himself, had Frank really got him a hooker? Why else would a girl be in his tourbus in a towel? Gerard immediately took back what he said before in his mind. He definitly wasn't tired anymore. In fact, he was very, very awake.

"Hi.." He said breaking the silence.
"Hello," She said feebly, gripping her towel closer to her body as she did.
"Umm....ya....just curious but what exactly are you doing here?" He said gently.
"Im so sorry, I must be in the wrong trailer. A friend sent me back her for a shower, he said that the people on the bus wouldn't mind. I must have made a mistake I'm really sorry" she blurted out quickly and let out a small nervous laugh.
"You were sent here? Gerard thought a moment, "Who sent you back here?"

It was in this moment that Maura completely forgot the name of her best friend.

"Oh he's playing here in a band" she said, not wanting to reveal her sudden lack of memory.

"You dumbass!" she thought, " You can't even remember your roomates name!"

She really did not know what to do. All of a sudden the lead singer of your favorite band walks in on you in a towel. What are you supposed to say? Not to mention that in this moment Maura found the mess of black hair hanging over his shining eyes absolutely stunning.

"You were sent here?" Gerard thought a moment. She was sent by a "friend" who's playing here in a band himself " Hmm.. sounds an awful lot like Frank. "I can't believe he really did this" he thought silently.

Maura's eyes darted around quickly during the silence in which Gerard was thinking to himself.

"I guess I'll just get my clothes and leave now, sorry about all this" she said quickly and grabbed her pile of sweaty laundry

"No!"Gerard said, almost a little too quickly. "It's fine really, don't worry about it. Why don't we dry you off and get you something a little more clean to wear for now?"

"Really?" Maura replied in almost disbelief. "Thank you so much!" She then lit up with excitement realizing that she wasn't going to have to run through an entire parking lot in a towel.

"Yeah, no problem at all, follow me" He said and led her over to his clothing/bunk area.

"This is going to be an interesting night," He thought to himself with a smirk.