Kissable And Quiet


Adam Lazzara sighed heavily once he saw his wife's jaw jut out, a sure sign that she was about to blow a fuse. He near expected to see steam come out of her ears.

"Don’t. You. DARE. Tell me how to behave!" Emme snarled.

"I'm merely saying that in your condition you shouldn't be getting your blood pressure up or anything," Adam defended himself, throwing his hands up in the universal sign of surrender.

"Oh, yes, because you'd know all about that now, wouldn't you?! You went through seven years of college to become a doctor, yeah?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot," Adam spat, standing up so fast his chair fell back,
"You're the one who studied medicine and you're the one who was made to marry little ole retarded me and you're the one who has had to give up work-"

"Cos you fucking well knocked me up!" Emme screamed back at him.

Adam went to dodge the vase that she had thrown at him, but wasn't quick enough, it nicked him at the side of the head. He sat on the ground dazed for a few seconds before he realised that the warm trickle on his forehead was blood.

"I hope you bleed to death," she hissed before storming up the stairs.

Adam used the wall to help support himself until the room stopped spinning.

"You don't need to be a pissing doctor to know that I'm not going to bleed to death from this!" he cried up the stairs.

There was silence and then the sound of their bedroom door opening and the soft pat pat of her bare feet on the wooden floor. Adam felt his shoulders sag in defeat when Emme appeared at the top of the stairs, her red hair tumbling past her shoulders in waves, dark eyes glistening slightly as she looked down at him, her hand gently rubbing her baby bump. Adam had a slight picture of how the evening would end; a long hot bath together included.

"Go blow it out your ass, Adam," she said softly before disappearing once again.

He preferred it when she was yelling at him.

"Bitch," he muttered half heartedly to himself as he grabbed his car keys and a dish cloth to press against his forehead.

While getting a needle thread through his head he let his mind wander off to his wife.
Three infidelities, one pregnancy and one abortion later Adam decided that he had had enough of Nora Lureinne. He was desperate to have someone to come home to at night, a family of his own but he wasn't going to settle for her anymore. It broke him to watch her walk away so care free, probably off to some other guy, so he tried to ease his pain the only way he could; get raging drunk.
Turns out it was the best thing that he had ever done.
He dislocated his shoulder that night and Matt wearily brought him to A&E, wondering how long his friend would be in this state. Many a doctor rolled their eyes when they saw him slouching pathetically in casualty, retching his guts up into a kidney dish. Emme Clarke was no different. But her face was the only thing he could remember the next day. Her dark red hair, the way her eyes crinkled at the corners before she pulled her glasses down off her head to read his chart, the freckles that dotted her nose.
Rising, he looked at his arm in disgust, just as he had done the night before, to which she laughed lightly at. He shivered, her laugh smooth and rich, almost material, flowing over his skin. No way could her remember someone so vividly if he couldn't even remember what bar he went to.
Returning to the hospital, he decided to try his luck. He was shocked to see that she was real, arriving within five minutes of being paged, wearing the same scrubs and dark rings beneath her eyes. Yet she still knocked the wind out of him.

"Friday night," he blurted out.


"Friday night. I'd..."

Oh Christ, what am I doing?

"I'd love to take you out...."

"I'm busy," she replied shortly.


"Nuh-uh," she sighed as she grabbed an armful of charts and walked briskly out of the emergency room.

Adam returned the next day, enquiring about Sunday night and Monday night.

"I'm working," she replied curtly.

Every day for a week he arrived at the hospital, determined not to let this female slip out of his grasp. He merely knew her name and occupation yet he felt like he had known her for years, she automatically put his usual restless self at ease.
On the eighth day he returned with a toothbrush, toothpaste and a Starbucks coffee. She had told fellow colleagues that if he returned again to tell him that she was off duty. Yet the A&E nurse had paged her, reassuring her that she would want to see this.

"What the hell?" she let out an exasperated cry when she saw him and his offering.

"Well, it appears that you never leave this damned hospital so I figured that you could use some coffee and toiletries."

Her face was stony and he nearly lost all hope until he saw it; a slight twitch at the side of her mouth and then it happened. She smiled wide and showed nearly all of her straight white teeth and her face was beautiful and oh God, he knew then and there that he was in love with her.

They married three years later. Yes, they were young and yes, they were deeply in love.
Adam had the career of his dreams. He had a beautiful, caring and understanding woman for his wife whom he couldn't wait to return to at night, who filled his house full of laughter, who made him feel like his life was worth living.
Fred and Eddie married shortly after them and within six months of marriage both had announced that their wives were pregnant. Adam would watch with joy as new family members arrived and longed for one of his own. After three years of marriage Adam finally convinced Emme that having a baby would be a step worth taking.
He felt sick when he found out through a mutual friend that Nora had aborted his child but he literally threw up from shock when he received a phone call from Emme’s work saying she had passed out while on call and that he should come to the hospital immediately. The pregnancy, all ten weeks of it, had drained her, made her feel ill twenty-four-seven, wouldn’t allow her to keep anything solid down and finally made her collapse on a patient’s bed before letting her bleed heavily for a fortnight. While Adam mourned and did his research on their next step in making a family Emme merely stated: Never again. She only took three weeks off before returning to work. Adam told himself that while song writing was his form of dealing, working was hers. Hell, it was one of the many things that she was wonderful at, the other doctors respected her, the nurses truly liked her and all of her patients adored her for her degree of empathy, patience and listening skills; hell, everybody loved her.
Adam found it somehow comical how a child made out of love died yet one resulting in a drunken quickie survived. The morning sickness was worse this time round, even at four months and Emme was furious with Adam for doing this to her. He was beginning to worry about her lack of energy, the severe moods swings and the morning sickness at this stage but once the reason surfaced the side effects quickly buried their heads. Turns out that Emme’s hormone levels were through the roof….due to twins. At near five months into the pregnancy her bump made its appearance and she truly did glow. It just seemed that in the recent weeks she would love to do nothing more than hop in a time machine and make sure that she never met that lanky brown eyed boy with the cocky smile who stole her heart within a week.