This Place.


"How the hell did we get here?"


"How the fuck we ended up here? Broken and in love with our brokenness?"

"We're not broken..."

"Who the fuck you're kidding? Just tell me. Who the fuck do you think your kidding?"


"You don't know that's right. How is it that we're in love?"

"Are we?"

"What do you think? I love you and you love me. I hurt you and you want me to hurt you. You fucking want me to hurt you."

"Because I love you."

"And I fucking love you to the tendons. But how? How did we get here?"

"I-I don't know."

"And why are we still here?"

"Because it's where we were heading from the start. We're dead. You're dead. I'm dead. On the inside."

"We're dead."

"We said we'd love each other till the end."

"I love you."

"And you're hurting me."

"And I love to hurt you."

"And I hurt to love you."

"Let me rip your insides."

"Let me kiss you then."

"We're still at this black pit."

"Let me kiss you."

"Let me feel your heart bleed."

"Then kiss me."

"How the hell did we end up here?"

"Kiss me."

"Like the blood slithering across my fingers and my heart... is my sanity going?"

"Just kiss me."


"I can't go to sleep."

"I can't go at all."

"Can't you stay?"

"I don't want to."

"But we're together."

"And broken."

"We were never okay."

"We're insane."

"That's what we love about each other."

"We're shattered and lost."

"And that's what we do. We pick each other's pieces. We found each other."

"We can't survive."

"Then let's die together. Again."

"I-I love you."

"I hurt so you do."

"I love you."

"I need you."

"Who the hell are we kidding?"


"That's not right."

"We're not right. Without each other."


"Please what? Forget it? Forget everything? All we've got? 'Cause I'll tell you all we've fucking got... this place. All we've fucking got."